[Dataloss] VISA / 1ST BANK

B.K. DeLong bkdelong at pobox.com
Thu Oct 19 16:21:06 EDT 2006

Is it that hard to find out who did the card processing for 1st Bank?

On 10/19/06, Chris Walsh <cwalsh at cwalsh.org> wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 19, 2006 at 10:41:37AM -0400, B.K. DeLong wrote:
> > Well, whomever it was will probably get wacked with a HUGE fine for
> > violating PCI Security standards. I'm guessing it won't take long to
> > determine who falls under approved card processors for Visa.
> They might get fined, but not buy Visa.  Too much butter on that bread
> to throw it in the bin.
> The FTC, OTOH, may do some enforcement:
> http://www.emergentchaos.com/archives/2006/06/prediction.html
> Visa has been zealously guarding the "privacy" of these processors since
> at least December of 2005, when the Sam's Club stuff started to hit the
> fan.  Even Gartner called MC and Visa out on it:
> http://www.emergentchaos.com/archives/2005/12/gartner_to_visa.html
> Chris

B.K. DeLong (K3GRN)
bkdelong at pobox.com

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