[Dataloss] security breaches as a result of email

B.K. DeLong bkdelong at pobox.com
Wed Oct 11 14:02:29 EDT 2006

On 10/11/06, Al Mac <macwheel99 at sigecom.net> wrote:
> The data base has coding http://attrition.org/dataloss/dldoskey.html as to
> nature of breach that could narrow you down to this kind of relevance, but
> this is something that continues to evolve, and be improved upon by
> feedback here.  I do not see in the chart a coding for the nature of the
> breach:
> * laptop gone missing
> * dumpster diving
> * hacker broke in
> * data managers must have been computer illiterates
> * data managers must have been privacy illiterates
> * e-mail stupidity
> * etc.
> so if you do a search of the raw data, looking for "e-mail" you going to
> get a lot of hits that what was breached was person's e-mail address

You make a good point - this is definitely something else we should be
tracking in the DLDOS.
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