[Dataloss] American Red Cross: somewhere between 8, 000 and a million blood donors. Notice provided via a press release and a web page

Chris Walsh cwalsh at cwalsh.org
Wed May 24 21:24:27 EDT 2006

I wrote about it at http://www.emergentchaos.com/archives/2006/05/ 

The summary is that a corrupt employee stole 8K lines of donor info  
-- name, addr, ssn

The SSN was unnecessarily provided to the employee.  This practice  
will be changed.

Notice was sent to the 8K.  Problem is, the Red Cross has since  
realized/been told that the number of people whose info may have been  
obtained is actually one million.  They don't know for sure who was  
exposed, so they are sending letters to nobody, and using a web page  
and press release instead, as permitted by the "substitute notice"  
provision in the relevant law(s).

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