[Dataloss] Agency Delayed Reporting Theft of Veterans' Data

Cat Okita cat at reptiles.org
Wed May 24 10:54:42 EDT 2006

On Wed, 24 May 2006, Chris Walsh wrote:
> On Wed, May 24, 2006 at 06:33:16AM -0400, Richard Forno wrote:
> > Christopher Walsh, a lawyer here who specializes in security cases, said the
> > theft conveyed a disturbing message, that "the government has paid far less
> > attention to the issue of data security than the people think ‹ and far less
> > than business."
> Speaking of identity theft.  :^)
> Sheesh.

Bah.  That's not identity theft - that's identity collision ;> (and if
you work together, identity collusion...)

"A cat spends her life conflicted between a deep, passionate and profound
desire for fish and an equally deep, passionate and profound desire to
avoid getting wet.  This is the defining metaphor of my life right now."

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