[Dataloss] Newspaper: OU investigation notes destroyed, in violation of law

Chris Walsh cwalsh at cwalsh.org
Sun Jul 16 23:45:45 EDT 2006


By Randy Ludlow
July 15, 2006

ATHENS, Ohio - A consulting firm hired to investigate data theft at
Ohio University violated state public records law when it destroyed
interview notes and other documents it used to prepare the audit, a
newspaper has reported.

Moran Technology Consulting of Naperville, Ill., acknowledged the
error after The Columbus Dispatch filed a public records request in an
effort to get copies of the materials.

The firm's report recommended the removal of two employees.

Officials at the company routinely discard such materials and didn't
realize their contract with the university held them subject to Ohio's
public records law, said firm president Charles Moran.

"I apologize; we just didn't know," he said.


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