[attrition] It's a new contest!

Lyger lyger at attrition.org
Sat Jul 22 12:06:53 CDT 2017

Contest over!  After digging through our seroiusly awesome spam filter, 
which actually blocked five of your incoming emails, the final count is...


And thank you Robert, the IT Manager, who actually mailed twice, but it 
said how many *people*. Still, I know you meant every word, so 
smoochie-boochies, friend.  <3

My guess was actually 8 or 9, so my friend gets the benefit of the doubt 
on the bet and I'm going to let her "win."  Thanks for playing, everyone!

On Thu, 20 Jul 2017, Lyger wrote:

:  I have been either told to "fuck off" or "fuck you" twice in the last 6
:  hours.  While this is not my personal record for receiving such
:  communications, I have a bet with a friend now to see how many people can say
:  those words in email to me in the next 48 hours.
:  Please reply directly to lyger at attrition.org.  The over/under for the replies
:  is 20, per my friend who is trying to be a Vegas odds-maker. She's not that
:  great at it and I told her she was screwed, but that might be part of the
:  bet, so y'all might want to try to help her out.

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