[attrition] News: Stalker Box of Shit

security curmudgeon jericho at attrition.org
Sun Jul 12 03:24:04 UTC 2009


Stalker Box of Shit
Wed Jul 8 21:01:30 EDT 2009

Apparently, my address is too easy to get these days. It started in '93 
when a FOIA request about government sanctioned electro-shock therapy 
included it. Again in '98 when the Congressional oversight committee 
included my address instead of theirs when mailing 800 "detainees" from 
Guam. Third time was in '02 when some lawyer named 'Megan' decided my 
address should be on the Internets. Most recently, an un-sympathetic judge 
decided his court could 'leak' it to an ex who is still demanding money 
for "emotional trauma". This time, who knows, but some crazy stalker found 
my address and voila, another box of shit arrived.


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