IRC Chat from June 3rd, 1999.

| JP_ (JP@ (unknown)
| ircname  : John Vranesevich
| channels : #hackphreak 
| server   : NewBrunswick.NJ.US.Undernet.Org ([] AT&T WorldNet IRC Chat Service)

[msg(jp_)] man how long have you been working with so1o?
[msg(jp_)] looks like a long time by the info I am getting
[msg(jp_)] and by the code on your site he he fuct with
[msg(jp_)] dude he is a CRIMINAL
[JP_(JP@] hrm
[JP_(JP@] so are you for that matter
[JP_(JP@] heh
[JP_(JP@] and I haven't given him a penny

[comment: This directly contradicts the mail sent to Bronc.]

[JP_(JP@] so in that respect, i'm not really "working with him"
[msg(jp_)] damn Unet sure is lagged
[msg(jp_)] I talked to so1o
[msg(jp_)] he runs that company in the UK
[JP_(JP@] and after i found out he hit the senate
[JP_(JP@] i totally cut myself off from him

[comment: JP knew all along who MOD was. After repeated IRC chats and press, he
          even when on to say he knew the attacker was from the UK in his
          State of Union Editorial.]

[msg(jp_)] if I were you I would cut off his$$ for that project
[msg(jp_)] shit I never would of went in with him
[msg(jp_)] come on it's so1o
[msg(jp_)] he hacked amnisty inst
[msg(jp_)] sheesh how lame can someone get :P
[msg(jp_)] why did he say he was MoD?
[msg(jp_)] MoD was a gang of kiddies
[msg(jp_)] if i remember right
[JP_(JP@] i haven't ever given him a penny

[comment: This directly contradicts the mail sent to Bronc.]

[msg(jp_)] you told me before you did, but that's neither here nor there
[msg(jp_)] just wondering why he called himseld MoD when he wasn't
[msg(jp_)] hello?