On June 3rd, 1999, John Vranasevich went on to say: http://www.antionline.com/archives/editorials/state_of_union.html "The Senate's website was defaced by a group calling itself "MOD". Guess what? They're not from the US either. The primary individual in that attack is known to be from the UK. As a matter of fact, he too, is known to have broken into dozens of US military servers, stolen network topology maps of SIPRNET, and even taken some proprietary software from the DISA. That was almost a year ago. How likely is it that this individual will be caught and prosecuted?" It becomes increasingly clear that JP had ongoing contact with the MOD member(s). This continueed communication when not directly "reporting" on it constitutes potential conspiracy charges. Knowing about a crime and not reporting it makes you criminally negligent. The argument comes in that journalists often do this and are able to protect their sources. There is much debate as to whether AntiOnline constitutes 'journalism' or hobby web site. Despite this, it does not protect him for the conversation and advanced information about crime in between articles.