Carolyn P. Meinel Hall of Shame


Name: Carolyn P. Meinel 
Age: 51
Internic #: CM1773 					(whois
Social Security #: 558-82-9106 				(posted to web server)
Phone #: (505)281-9269					(posted to web server)
Address1: PO BOX 1520					(posted to web server)
	  Cedar Crest, NM 87008-1520
Address2: 4 Fawn Rd					(posted to
	  Cedar Crest, NM
Business Address: 79 Weimer Rd. N			(whois
		  Sandia Park, NM 87047
Business Phone: (505)281-9675				(posted to
Business Fax:   (505)281-0490				(posted to

CreditCard: Visa 4060-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx 01/01		(posted to web server)

Servers she was on, that were attacked and compromised as a result of her instigation:

Some notes from a book that quoted her.


                              Carolyn P. Meinel


Meinel is President of M/B Research, a small, woman-owned consulting

Current and recent clients:

   * NA Group. Objective: research opportunites in Ka band low Earth orbit
     communications satellites.
   * Space Dynamics Laboratory of Utah State University. Objective: to find
     customers for their space-based infrared sensor technologies.
   * Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. Served as technology guru for the
     California Trade and Goods Movement Study.
   * American Paging, Inc. Goal: to determine innovative, vertically
     integrated markets and the technologies needed to implement them for
     narrowband PCS mobile communications.


Other clients have included:

   * Science Applications International Corp. Developed system concept to
     use neutral particle beams for remote mapping of the elements on
     airless solar system bodies. This evolved into the US/Russian Double
     Eagle lunar mission project (currently on hold).
   * For the Federal Highway Administration, researched and wrote
     "Transportation Technology Trends," an analysis of future technology
     impacts under a NAFTA free trade scenario. This research was conducted
     under the TransNet West project in collaboration with the Center for
     the New West, the think tank of US West Communications.
   * Assisted VP Racing Fuels, the producer of the fuels used by the top
     ground vehicle race winners in the US, in locating research partners
     for development of race car parts.
   * Served as Science and Engineering Technical Advisor to the Defense
     Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA -- now called ARPA) Tactical
     Technology and Strategic Technology Offices on electromagnetic launch
     and hypervelocity weapons.


Meinel has coauthored a series of market research books for Forecast
International/DMS International of Newtown, CT:

   * World Intelligent Vehicle/Highway Systems Market

   * World Intermodal Freight Market

   * Emerging Technologies, Vol.s III and IV

   * Elecromagnetic Launch Systems, Vol.s I and II

   * World Space Systems Forecast


From August 1983 through March 1987 Meinel was a Senior Scientist with
Analytic Decisions, Inc., a consulting firm in Arlington, VA. Coded orbital
mechanics programs; Science and Engineering Technical Advisor on projects on
hypervelocity weapons, space-based sensors and large optics; evaluated
proposals for the Strategic Defense Initiative Office (SDIO, now BMDO) and

From 1980 through 1983 Meinel was an independent consultant and freelance
writer. Special correspondent, "World Aerospace Weekly;" columnist, "Future
Life" magazine; contributing editor, "MIT Technology Review." Installed
computer interfaces in industrial facilities.

In 1975 Meinel cofounded the L-5 Society for Space Development,. She edited
its monthly magazine, and served as president. Meinel coordinated the
lobbying effort that defeated the 1979 UN Agreement Governing Activities of
States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies.

In 1972 Meinel cofounded and became general manager of Analog Precision,
Inc., a manufacturer of analog and digital control devices used in
industrial operations.


Education: MS, Industrial Engineering, The University of Arizona.


Publications: Over 200 technical and scientific papers and articles for the
popular press. Coauthorship of seven technical books. Sample publications:

   * Carolyn Meinel and John T. Bosma, "Advanced Vehicle Electronics," World
     Automotive Industry Bulletin, Feb. 4, 1992.

   * Carolyn Meinel, et al., "Remote Resource Mapping of Solar System
     Bodies," proceedings of Engineering, Construction and Operations in
     Space (Space '90) conference, April 22-26, 1990,

   * Harry D. Fair, Carolyn Meinel, et al., "Electromagnetic Earth-to-Space
     Launch," IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Jan. 1989.

   * Carolyn Meinel and Thomas Blau, "Military Space Launch Today: a US
     Perspective," Military Technology magazine, Oct. 1988.

   * Carolyn Meinel, "Adelman, Apple II Bust Crypto Code," Infoworld
     magazine, July 1982.