
Book: Great Mambo Chicken & The Transhuman Condition
by Ed Regis   ISBn: 0-201-56751-2

Keith/Carolyn started L5 society
engineering students at the U. of Arizona in Tucson

daughter of Aden and Marjorie Meinel
both were professional asatronomers
Aden - director of Kitt Peak National Observatory

1972 Keith & Carolyn start Analog Precvision Inc

"We were accomplished pyromaniacs, we were always going out in the desert
and setting things off. Mostly just bombs."  - Carolyn

"We were worried about things getting very, very BORING if we stuck around
on this planet too long."  - Carolyn  (explains why she started HH :)

"Space would be a land of milk and honey; or french fries and
rabbitburgers" - Carolyn

Mid 89, she reverted from Henson to Meinel. Moved to ABQ. Consultant to
Univ. of Arizona Center for the Utilization of Local Planetary Resources.

Always closed letters with "Reach for the Stars!"