This research-based strategy invites everyone involved in education to dissolve the boundaries between disciplines of knowledge and between the people who care about learning.

Where the traditional approach fragments information, teachers using ITI work with each grade's curriculum to find patterns or connections between the disciplines. This integration of the curriculum mimics the way our brains work and helps students learn.

ITI's team-teaching approach includes students in the decision process, making the resulting curriculum more relevant and interesting. Beyond the textbook, ITI can connect the often-separate academic and vocational programs, as well as bring schools and communities together.

When fully implemented, ITI exposes students, teachers, administrators, parents and employers to one another in "real world" situations from which everyone benefits. Students learn workplace skills and employers hire workers with well-rounded educations.

Implementing ITI requires some adjustments in philosophy and methods. AEL has designed publications, training options, and electronic networking to help an individual school or a whole school system move from its old strategy into the exciting, holistic approach.

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Regional Educational Lab