Are you interested in proven penis enlargement ?

If so this is the enlargement solution you have been looking for.
Without any devices of any kind, Autobiostimulation will work to enlarge your penis naturally. ...

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New Journal Of Scientific Insight On The Web
Penis Enlargement Comes Of Age

Discovering Why Penis Enlargement
Isn’t Just A Sideshow Joke Anymore.

Professor Samuel Ball currently is enjoying his sabbatical and continues his research of advanced motion control systems. He has authored many notable reports, articles and papers that have explored the practical application of motion control and motion capture for the purposes of advanced human animation and motion studies.

In a related study, he has recently completed an overview of the scientific side of a new discovery in the area of penis enlargement that employs the process of Autobiostimulation to achieve permanent enlargement results with no damage whatsoever to the penis and has achieved effective results in the deployment of non-medical penis enlargement. We have called upon him to provide a less complex version of his findings for the purpose of this article.

Links to Internet locations where more information about this subject are below at the conclusion of this article.

There is a new answer for penis enlargement and it is available now. It’s safe and it works but before we explore that too closely let’s look at some of the reasons why it took a third party company involved in statistics, informatics, human motion, kinetics and artificial intelligence and now penis enlargement, to actually discover it.

Traditionally medicine and science have scorned ideas that have come from outside their exclusive enclave of mystified alchemy. The reason for this is naturally quite self serving but as we evolve as a species, from a sociological point of view anyway, we are beginning to break free from the diabolical grip of self appointed scientists, just as we once unshackled ourselves from dictators and oppressive religious regimes. What of course does any of this have to do with penis enlargement is the most obvious question.

The answer is self evident. Surgery for the purpose enlarging a penis, often called phalloplasty or penile enhancement is dangerous and unproven - that is a simple and demonstrable fact. The medical community by and large does not recognize this so called penis enlargement surgery as a viable or safe area of exploration or exploitation. Many men who have sought to have a bigger penis by way of surgical enlargement have been very disappointed, in many cases injured and or worse off than they were before the procedure.

Which brings us to the system in question and the reasons why it works for penis enlargement. First of all, the advancement is provided by way of a software program that functions as a study guide or course that achieves effective enlargement results without endangering or stressing the delicate tissues of the penis. The process is called Autobiostimulation and you may have already heard of it because it is achieving results that are in simple terms - uncanny.

When we look at the core of the philosophy or science behind it, we see that it truly is operating at many different levels - Like any good treatment program should. Here’s a breakdown of the intrinsic components and how they work in synergy to achieve effective penis enlargement.

Overall the effects of the program achieves a 98% success rate, in that less than 2% of all participants fail to achieve any measurable enlargement or haven’t seen any changes whatsoever in their penis. This is generally attributed to a failure on the part of the participants as the rate of successful penis enlargements is so significant that we can accept that there cannot be any essentially biological or physiological reasons for the failure in the group that comprise the 2%.

The philosophy of the entire program can be understood as follows :

AutoBioStimulation & Penis Enlargement

AutoBioStimulation for penis enlargement is built around three basic concepts. The first concept is based upon visualization. For those about to jump to conclusions this isn't some kind of hypnosis or self-delusion, it's the same techniques used by athletes to significantly improve performance.

The very subtle and empathic system developed for the visualization component is very powerful. If you are sceptical, that's fine, but our methods are working and getting results everyday.

The Visualization Component

Throughout the program certain key words and phrases to assist the brain in understanding that it will be open to new concepts and more importantly open to a level of focus necessary to believe the system will work. In simple terms, the system is carefully constructed at a word by word level to open the mind to the notion that the system will work for the client. A colloquial term for this systemized repetition might be referred to as triggering.

Does that sound like brainwashing ? It may sound like brainwashing, but the client’s dedication is so important to the success of the program, that in order to maintain a serious level of participation, it must be clear in the mind that what is transpiring is for a very real positive end benefit. That most obvious benefit is permanent penis enlargement.

An allegorical situation might be, that if one were to climb to the top of a mountain,  one will obtain a pot of gold. Many people will try to climb the mountain, but only those who truly believe they will be rewarded for their effort, will succeed and make it to the top. If the client does not believe that this system will work then where will he acquire and maintain the drive necessary for success ?

The Physiological Component

The second concept is based upon real physical exercises geared toward actual physical enlargement that will cause the penis to enlarge naturally - lengthen and strengthen. These exercises become even more powerful when they are combined with the visualization component. The client is required to maintain a level of dedication and perfection with the exercises that unless you believe it will be worthwhile then your dedication will be difficult to maintain. Secondly, the belief that what is happening will be of significant therapeutic value helps the basic physiological system respond in a positive way to the physical exercises and cause a positive feedback cycle to develop within the mind and body.

That is not to say that the physical exercises are a placebo, rather that the exercises act as a physical reinforcement of a belief system.

The Actualization Component

The third concept again combines visualization with actualization. This is very useful in the areas of controlling ejaculation, increasing the force of ejaculation and increasing the size and or firmness of an erection. It has been demonstrated in field studies and through the results of the research, that many sexual dysfunctions or sexual performance issues, can be tackled with what in simplified terms might be called 'mind over matter' or better - 'mind control of matter'

A client can in fact achieve larger erections if you first visualize the extent of the final erection, likewise, one can control the distance and force of your ejaculation, if it is first understood what muscles and functions are being called upon to cause ejaculation. In this sense and at it’s most basic level, Autobiostimulation achieves perfect penis enlargement results often within a few sessions.

This understanding of the basic machinery and realization that the machinery is intelligently controlled can increase sexual performance and sexual satisfaction significantly.

What the entire program seeks to achieve is in many ways the same methods employed by athletes that seek to achieve a typical physical goal. This means, understanding goals, visualizing the final goal and literally compelling the body as if by the power of will to achieve.

These goals can be real world targets or benchmarks or they may be local isolated physiological goals..Such as the desire and will to increase the performance, of one particular muscle set. One cannot build muscle within the penis for the purpose of enlargement because the penis does not contain any muscles per se, but the enlargement methods utilized focus on the tissues within the penis and seeks to achieve maximum capacity within that expandable tissue.

While the process does not blatantly utilize any discernable method within the penis enlargement system, the package incorporates all of these three components in very subtle ways. Perhaps just as a musician can sit back and visualize the functions necessary to achieve a greater performance, one can use these advanced methods of visualization to achieve greater control over sexual performance.

Any legitimate system of training will involve some type of visualization and understanding of the powers of the human mind to control the body at a minute systemic level. Utilizing this power within a system designed exclusively for penis enlargement is an incredible breakthrough and very exciting for the many men who seek to overcome their concerns about virility or penis size.

Exercise & Technique

From a physiological standpoint of course the client will require stimulation by way of precise exercises focused on the physical components of penis enlargement. That's why Autobiostimulation is comprised of multiple components based upon a basic exercise schedule. One should keep in mind however that the program seeks to offer a total solution and that's why exercise on its own is not necessarily enough.

Any exercise by itself will not achieve the same results that Autobiostimulation does as total system for penis enlargement. That thesis has been proven in testing and it is firmly established. The Internet and indeed the publishing community is awash in so called secret techniques and methods exposed in an illiterate system purported to reveal ancient or mystical secrets. The fact is, no illiterate pornographer will be able offer anything of any physiological value in the area of penis enlargement because it just isn’t that simple.

Autobiostimulation offers a full physical fitness training program to achieve proven penis enlargement. The techniques are no different than a total exercise program and the final results which include a longer, thicker, harder penis are based upon a logical and sound system that works.


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