Advanced methods for
penis enlargement eliminates risk

Penis enlargement surgery has a history of complications and deformities, but a new non-surgical system uses more advanced techniques.

Over 10,000 men in the USA have had  penis enlargement surgery, and a "significant percentage have deformities that they cannot get corrected," says a noted California urologist.

Primitive fat injection techniques and lengthening of the penis using a flap of skin from the lower abdomen can cause morbid
deformities like  lumps, bent shafts, excess penile skin and other deformations.

These complications are not necessary, even though they tragically continue. Advanced methods utilizing a system called Autobiostimulation offer new hope for more natural methods of penis enlargement.

Currently, there are absolutely no established guidelines for surgeons offering enlargements which of course leaves the market wide open to abuse.

There are real alternatives to doing penis enlargement surgeries and these techniques rely on the body's natural mechanisms
to achieve effective enlargement results.

Experts estimate that there are 10 to 15 doctors performing various types of enlargement surgery in the USA - However no one is tracking the precise number of surgeries and the complications.

Most men who seek penis enlargement have a perfectly normal penis but they want more. That isn't unusual, the Autobiostimulation methods can be used successfully in those situations.

Typically the man seeking enlargement is between 20 and 45. He is concerned mainly about the issue of self-esteem in regard to his perception of his penis size.  It's mainly all about how he feels about himself in the locker room.

Unfortunately the men who pursue surgery and later have complications are truly left with even lower self-esteem and often cannot afford to have the problems fixed.

That's where the Autobiostimulation method is offering hope. A quick survey conducted by this writer revealed that at least 3 offerings were available on the internet that met the criteria for providing Autobiostimulation to clients online.

For a complete list, click here.