Richmond in the world

List of titles

Workshops: You are invited!


Traditional Series

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Boomerang: Beginner to Elementary.
Boomerang is a complete comprehensive course in four levels for children learning English in primary schools. 

Starlight: Beginner to Elementary.
A four level course for school children. Designed to meet all the requirements of the new educational system. Tailored to the needs of the Ley Federal de Educación.

Your turn: False Beginner to Intermediate. Levels 1, 2, 3 & 4
Your Turn is a flexible and exciting new four-level course which has been specially written for teenagers.

Freeform: False Beginner to Intermediate.
Freeform is a four level course specially designed for teenage students in large mixed level.


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© 1999 Grupo Santillana Argentina
Beazley 3860 (1437) Buenos Aires, Argentina
Phone: (011) 4912-7220 Fax: (011) 4912-7440