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boton.GIF (384 bytes) STUDENT'S DICTIONARY
Has been specially developed for Latin American students; it helps learners to communicate confidently in both written and spoken English. It provides through coverage of those areas of idiomatic English which are especially tricky for Spanish-speakers at this level. Its examples focus on the vocabulary students encounter in their studies, and on the language of everyday communication.

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Botonbl.gif (863 bytes) Pocket Dictionary
provides a concis and portable route to understanding and using English. It has important new features pocket dictionaries. Whenever a word has two or more meaning, each one is clearly defined so that the user is in no doubt about which translation to choose.

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Botonbl.gif (863 bytes) Concise Dictionary
has been designed to make both languages accesible in the clearest and most uncomplicated way. Experienced teams of native-speakers of both languages have been consulted at every stage of the editorial process to ensure the maximum accuracy of the translations. In addition, there has been a continuous process of the updating and refinement throughout the developement phase.

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Botonbl.gif (863 bytes) Compact Dictionary
has been designed for students in upper secondary and tertiary education. As well as covering a wide general vocabulary, it concentrates on those areas of idiomatic English which cause difficulties for the Spanish-speaking user and learner of English.
The dictionary covers all the varieties of English and Spanish. It will enable the user to communicate confidently in written and spoken English and to translate contemporary texts.

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The Richmond Picture Dictionary is an ideal resource for children in their first years of learning English. It has been designed to teach vocabulary and the meaning of words through the medium of pictures.


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© 1999 Grupo Santillana Argentina

Beazley 3860 (1437) Buenos Aires, Argentina
Phone: (011) 4912-7220 Fax: (011) 4912-7440