Newstips, Inc., Novelty, Ohio

How much does Newstips participation cost?

There are only three possible monthly fees for what we do. Depending on which services you get (see below), our fee is $1000 or $1500 or $2000 per month.

You can reduce your fee by 10% or more by prepaying 3 or more months - there's more on that somewhere down here, too.

And just to answer most of the rest of your questions, we'll skip the FAQ and offer the facts on what we expect when you do business with us.


Electronic Editorial Bulletin and Product Sweeps The services and their fees

To reach thousands of journalists each week in the Bulletin: $1,000/month (That's the price if you write the items)

Want us to write the items? add $500/month (Our white papers can help you not spend this)

And how about Product Sweeps editorial review solicitations? add $500/month

So that's it: $1,000 or $1,500 or $2,000 per month.


Earning discounts

Newstips, Inc. awards prepayment discounts for clients who prepay several months ahead. Agencies can earn even more.

The formula is simple:



Instead of months, you can deal in "units" - clients times months - to a maximum discount of 25% for 18 or more units. Ask for details.


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