The Cape FLATtery Trail

The Cape FLATtery Trail, is located on the tip of the Olympic Peninsula on the Makah reservation. The Sea of clear cut devestation (they don't call it cape FLAT-ery for nothing) that surrounds this tiny island of trees is the handy work of the Makah Development Corporation, the members of which are also involved in our whale kill program. Hikers can see the poor forest practices that have lead to the collapse of the Salmon fishery (but we got short term profit out of it so that is all that really matters.)

The cape trail, Which has recently been reconstructed is a 3/4 mile trail consisting of boardwalk, stone and gravel steps with hand rails and four(4) observation decks from which we will be spotting for whales to kill. From here you too can observe ocean scenery and sea life that team together in the waters below in the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary where we will be slaughtering innocent docile creatures as they approach our boats. Come watch what people are calling Trophy hunting at the Petting Zoo.

This new trail requires moderate exertion to descend and climb its slopes and stairs. But the views of blood in the water should be well worth it. This area is a Makah Wilderness. Please stay on the trail, walkways and observation decks. Supervise your children closely, don't build fires or camp overnight and pack out your litter.