=   F.U.C.K. - Fucked Up College Kids - Born Jan. 24th, 1993 - F.U.C.K.   =

                        Who's Net Is It?

There are a few things about the internet that you should be
aware of. The following facts and information were collected from
various articles posted to mailing lists, UseNet groups, and
web pages.


Domain Name registration used to be handled by NSF (National Science

National Science Foundation has turned domain name registration over
to Network Solutions Inc (NSI).

NSI was purchased by Scientific Applications International Corporation
(SAIC) in May 1995


Over the years SAIC's relationship with the government has had its ups
and downs. A quick check of public databases shows that:
In 1990 SAIC was indicted by the Justice Department on 10 felony
 counts for fraud in its management of a Superfund toxic cleanup
 site. (SAIC pleaded guilty.)
In 1993 the Justice Department sued SAIC, accusing it of civil
 fraud on an F15 fighter contract.
In May 1995, the same month SAIC purchased NSI, the company
 settled a suit that charged it had lied about security system
 tests it conducted for a Treasury Department currency plant in
 Fort Worth, TX. (The company paid the government $125,000 to cover
 the cost of the investigation as part of that settlement.)


SAIC's board members include:
 Admiral Bobby Inman, former NSA head and deputy director of the CIA
 Melvin Laird, Nixon's Secretary of Defense
 retired General Max Thurman, Commander of the Panama Invasion
 Donald Hicks, former head of research & development for the Pentagon
 Donald Kerr, former head of the Los Alamos National Laboratory.

Recently departed board members include
 former CIA director Robert Gates
 current Secretary of Defense William Perry
 current CIA director John Deutch
 Anita Jones, Deutch's procurement officer when he was at the Pentagon.


Current SAIC government contracts include:
 Re-engineering information systems at the Pentagon
 Automation of the FBI's computerized fingerprint identification system
 Building a national criminal history information system


SAIC describes themselves as:   (http://www.saic.com/)

    Science Applications International Corporation, SAIC, is the
    largest employee-owned research and engineering company in
    the United States. Based in San Diego and international in
    scope, SAIC offers a broad range of expertise in technology
    development and analysis, systems development and
    integration, technical support services, and high technology
    hardware and software products. SAIC scientists and
    engineers work to solve complex technical problems of
    significance to federal, commercial, and international
    customers in a variety of market areas, including: Energy,
    Environment, Government, Health Care Technology, Information
    Technology, Internet, Telecommunications and Transportation.

    Founded by a small group of scientists in 1969, SAIC has had
    a continuous record of growth in its financial performance
    and technical scope. SAIC attributes its success to a
    decentralized, flexible working environment which promotes
    and rewards technical excellence, individual initiative, and
    entrepreneurship. Our ability to attract and retain the best
    qualified people, coupled with an environment that fosters
    team building, has led to 27 years of sustained growth --
    with 22,254 employees, more than 350 locations world-wide,
    and annual revenues exceeding $2.2 billion.
    Today, SAIC generates about 85 percent of its business
    through federal government contracts. In the last few years,
    the company has been transitioning its extensive experience
    in advanced systems and software engineering to benefit     
    commercial and international clients.


    Recent Results

    Revenues for the 1996 fiscal year ending on January 31
    totaled $2.2 billion, an increase of almost 12% over last
    years total of $1.9 billion. Net earnings were $57 million,
    up 17% over the prior years net earnings of $49 million.
    At years end, SAIC's firm order backlog was approximately
    $1.1 billion, a 10% increase over 1995's backlog.

    This represents the 27th consecutive year of revenue and
    earnings growth for SAIC, solidifying its position as one of
    the most successful employee owned companies in the United

    And viable SAIC certainly is. As their annual report shows, the
    company, with over 20,000 employees and 450 locations around the
    world, reported $1.9 billion in gross revenues in 1994. Over 90% of
    its income was generated by government contracts -- more than half of
    that from defense, intelligence, and federal law enforcement

So what does that leave us? A net run by a bunch of spooks and ex-spooks,
all with strong ties to companies and organizations capable of doing
anything. If the SAIC wants to shut down the net, they could. If they
want to monitor all traffic and search for keywords, they can. There is
no way to stop them from controlling the routing of traffic on the net.

Imagine, this text file gets spread to hundreds or thousands of people
over the net as it is released. There is a good chance that every time
it does, it is tripping an alarm so to speak, and being copies for later
review by a SAIC employee. That kind of monitoring by past and present
government officials seems to be a curse the net must live with now.

Remember, anything you send on the net should be treated as if you are
handing it out on flyers at your favorite street corner. Act as if everything
you send on the net is going to be read by thousands of people.
If that bothers you, take the time to learn about encryption and ways
to protect your privacy. Become active in current politics that affect
the way the net grows. Just be aware.


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