=  F.U.C.K. - Fucked Up College Kids - Born Jan. 24th, 1993 - F.U.C.K.  =


        What is a teleslut? Any one of the numerous people that are slaves
to their communication devices. Phones, pagers, and cells are the main
enslaving devices. With the rapid increase of new technology in the 
communications field, more and more people are jumping on the bandwagon
to have that technology. Normally I am all for that, as it gives more 
money to those developing the technology, and more research is done.
In this case, it is causing more of the 90's mentality to go with it.
        Ever see the young corporate types walk into a building wearing
a 30 dollar suit, 70 dollar pair of sunglasses, a pager, and a Motorola 
flip phone? They are trying to fit into the wealthy yuppie appearance
to impress those around them. I have to wonder what one thinks when
he runs into another one though. Since I am on both sides of the cell/pager
market, and get to see the selling and the buying side, I get to laugh
when I see these people posturing as if they are a high and mighty important
        The truth is, in so many of the cases, they paid all of one penny
for their phone. Most of them will usually pay about 15 to 30 dollars
a month for overpriced service so they can retain the phone. After one
year of getting ripped off, they keep the phone, and are able to go on 
about the same rate if they want service. If you were able to look at
their bills for airtime, you would notice over 75% of them don't even use
their phones for 30 minutes a month. The other interesting part of their
cellular plan is they get 30 minutes of air time without a charge.
        With their pagers, they usually pay about 40 bucks for the pager,
and 7 bucks a month for service. 90% of their pages are from friends 
wanting to bullshit with them. The original use of a pager is long lost
in the desire to be cool and fit in. Look at how many 13 to 18 year-olds
carry pagers at school. All their friends are in school with them (some
have dropped out), so they have no legitimate need to carry it, yet they
do. It has become a status symbol.
        I have a pager myself, because I run a business out of my house,
work a 40 hour a week job, and don't spend too much time at the house.
I have cell service because I get a huge discount since I am a reseller
of cell service. If I only worked and stayed at home, I wouldn't have
a pager. If the service wasn't so cheap (3 cents a minute), then I wouldn't
have a cell phone.

        I live in Denver (USWest territory), so the following section
applies to that phone company (and some others probably). USWest is
pushing for more add-ons to your normal service because it makes them
money. Stop to think about the services they offer. Voice mail? Convenient,
but over one year of paying for it, you could have had an answering machine
that would last at least a couple of years. Call forwarding? To what, that
pager or cell phone you barely use?
        The biggest rip off service they offer is Caller ID. I am constantly
amazed that the stupidity of the people I deal with in regards to phone
service. People go to stores wanting the little caller ID box, and spend
from 45 to 90 dollars on a unit with 'the most features'. Half of them
go home, plug it in, and bitch at the store because it doesn't work.
After they realize they have to have the service from the phone company,
they bitch at USWest because they keep getting 'Call Blocked'. It costs
them just under 10 bucks a month for the service. On top of that the 
expensive box. Why? So they can tell who is calling them right? Why
does USWest offer another service for FREE that allows a phone subscriber
to have ALL OUTGOING calls from their house PERMANANTLY blocked for 
Caller ID? 
        When I make a call from my place, it is automatically Caller ID
blocked. For those who don't call to have that put on their line, they
can just hit a three button 'star' code and block it for that call.
So the customer paying all the money is not getting what he or she payed
for in most cases. If someone is going to take the time to prank call you,
do you think they are not going to block Caller ID?

        Overall, people are paying a ton for these services. Upwards
of 25 bucks for the phone bill, 30 for the cell, 7 for the pager, 
all so they can be reached any time, any where. People are gladly
getting ripped off, so they are considered cool, rich, hip, or whatever
        A cell and a pager don't make you cool. They make you a slave
to the telecommunications industry.


= Questions, Comments, Bitches, Ideas, Rants, Death Threats, etc etc...   =
= Internet : jericho@netcom.com                      (Mail is welcome)    =
= Chemical Persuasion  203.324.0894    Celestial Woodlands 214.252.6455   =
= Goat Blowers Anon    215.750.0392    Hacker's Haven      303.343.4053   =
= E.L.F.        (NUP)  314.272.3426    Misery              318.625.4532   =
= Dungeon Sys. Inc.    410.263.2258    Psykodelik Images   407.834.4576   =
= Paradise Lost        414.476.3181    Black SunShine      513.891.3465   =
= Digital Fallout      516.378.6640    PSYCHOSiS           613.836.7211   =
= Bad Trip             615.870.8805         (Your board here!@#!)         =
= Plan 9               716.881.3663    Phallic Paradise    801.944.7353   =
= Purple Hell          806.791.0747    Logikal Nonsence    XXX.XXX.XXXX   =
= PuRe EViL  (NUP)     905.XXX.XXXX    The Keg             914.234.9674   =
= Files through Anonymous FTP: FTP.NETCOM.COM - /pub/je/jericho/FUCK      =
=                              FTP.FC.NET - /pub/deadkat/misc/FUCK        =
=                              FTP.WINTERNET.COM - /users/craigb/fuck     =
=                              FTP.GIGA.OR.AT - /pub/hackers/zines/fuck   =
=                              ETEXT.ARCHIVE.UMICH.EDU - /pub/Zines/FUCK  =
=               http://www.ora.com:8080/johnl/e-zine-list/zines/fuck.html =