Various pieces I have written and released in e-zines. This material
is here for historical preservation, as it was written primarily in the 90's. Some of this material stands out in
my mind as a better representation of my writing ability. Look for near the piece for ones I think are decent.
If you see a
, it denotes a piece that is accompanied by an image that inspired the writing.
DTO 003: Doomed To Obscurity
DTO 028: Nights Like This
SOB 001: Usenet is Not a Democracy
uXu 387: Scenes of the Assassin
uXu 435: Morning Paper
uXu 440: Black and White
uXu 514: Diary Entry 8[15]99
CoN IV-17: Who did you talk to?
FUCK 001: Where it all Begins
FUCK 002: Shock Value
FUCK 005: The BackYard
FUCK 006: FUCK Anthology I
FUCK 007: Users
FUCK 008: Journalism at its Finest
FUCK 009: The NSA
FUCK 011: That Social Thang
FUCK 012: Money, Bleh
FUCK 013: Good vs Evil
FUCK 014: SysOps
FUCK 015: Fiction - Take 1
FUCK 017: Evolution
FUCK 018: Zany Feds
FUCK 019: Posting
FUCK 020: Real Life - School
FUCK 021: General Info
FUCK 022: The Dream
FUCK 023: ---------
FUCK 027: Death of a Handle
FUCK 029: Time Passed
FUCK 031: Dam's Random Thoughts
FUCK 039: Decisions Suck
FUCK 043: *Whine*
FUCK 044: Fuck You - Part 1
FUCK 045: FUCK Anthology II
FUCK 048: Music Videos
FUCK 049: 1994
FUCK 054: So You Wanna Be Cool
FUCK 055: Equal Rights
FUCK 056: File #56
FUCK 064: That's It
FUCK 065: Anthology III
FUCK 066: Get a Job
FUCK 067: Cash, Check, or Charge
FUCK 068: Growing Old
FUCK 071: Whee
FUCK 073: What Next?
FUCK 074: Com-pyoo-ter
FUCK 076: Fit the Crime
FUCK 077: Today
FUCK 079: The Old Dirt Road
FUCK 083: Manners
FUCK 085: The Interview
FUCK 090: Defcon ][
FUCK 094: Change of Standard
FUCK 096: Ratings
FUCK 101: File 101
FUCK 102: Mindfuck
FUCK 104: My Brother's Keeper
FUCK 105: Rated Best Overall
FUCK 107: Hoho '94
FUCK 108: I Wanna Know
FUCK 109: Camera 8 - ON
FUCK 112: Respect
FUCK 129: I've Got Your Info
FUCK 131: Toll Fraud
FUCK 132: Dummie's Guide to T-Files
FUCK 136: Anthology IV
FUCK 137: My Win95 Experience
FUCK 138: The BATF
FUCK 139: New Mail
FUCK 140: The Scene
FUCK 141: Intersection
FUCK 142: Recent News
FUCK 143: Telesluts
FUCK 145: Internet Resource Listing 1.0
FUCK 156: The Giving Spirit
FUCK 157: A Higher Purpose
FUCK 162: The Man Keeps ME Down
FUCK 182: Why Should I Respect You
FUCK 183: Guilty by Text
FUCK 188: Meric Religion
FUCK 189: Vigilante Justice
FUCK 192: What If...
FUCK 193: Anarchy Anyone?
FUCK 194: Concern
FUCK 200: No More Looking Back
FUCK 201: My New Fraternity
FUCK 202: Today's News
FUCK 205: How Trivial
FUCK 207: Freedom!
FUCK 210: Proof at Last
FUCK 215: 24
FUCK 218: Half an Ass
FUCK 220: Under New Management
FUCK 240: Half Respect
FUCK 246: Duality
FUCK 250: 100 Pennies
FUCK 265: Jake Bastard
FUCK 266: Doin' It In Texas
FUCK 273: They Don't Know Better
FUCK 280: Innter Turmoil
FUCK 284: Dialogue of Eyes
FUCK 287: me and a gun
FUCK 301: zen - me - zine
FUCK 315: Convoluted Rants
FUCK 322: Who's Net Is It?
FUCK 326: Gossip Whore
FUCK 346: Two Plus Two
FUCK 355: Loving Solitude
FUCK 360: Thanks
FUCK 368: Things to Ponder
FUCK 369: separation of church and state
FUCK 400: Four Zero Zero
FUCK 404: scene. lame. 1997.
FUCK 409: Shard
FUCK 435: Privacy
FUCK 442: Solitude Standing
FUCK 451: Honor Among Thieves
FUCK 459: Goth, Hat, and Tie
FUCK 462: Hacker Blues
FUCK 481: Back to the Basics
FUCK 485: In Case You Blinked...
FUCK 549: Guilt in Three Parts
FUCK 563: Can It Feel This Wrong?