Another brick in the wall
Fighting a losing battle on the front lines of security
by Brian Martin
DSIC Security Group
July 2000
Contents: |
Security? Oops! |
A hacker's hacker |
A losing battle |
Advice |
Planning |
Building the wall |
Resources |
About the author |
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You sacrifice convenience for security and security for convenience. For which goal was your computer network built?
Security? Oops!
In the realm of human endeavor, there is usually a simple logic
applied to the process of building things. This logic is seen in the way houses,
computers, a even cans of mandarin oranges are built. We do not near completion
of the production of these items only to attempt to squeeze in some vital
element that was meant to be first. Foundations are not built after
finishing the roof, processors are not seated after the case has been
secured, and oranges are not added after the can has been sealed. Yet, when security is considered, this simple application of logic seemingly fails on a majority of computer networks.
We must identify one caveat when addressing this issue. Most computer networks (especially the Internet) were first designed with an open philosophy -- one of sharing information freely with anyone who needed it. Security was the little known hobby of a few geeks who enjoyed the cat and mouse game of "hacking" and securing machines. It's hard to pin down exactly when security became the big push in corporate America, but I think it safe to say it publicly surfaced in the last three or four years.
Just as the Internet had been, five- and ten-year-old corporate networks, when new, were built for connectivity and convenience. As a general rule, you sacrifice convenience for security and security for convenience. The more unrestricted the access you enjoy, the less security is present on the network. Networks built from the ground up with all aspects in mind, especially security, enjoy a stronger foundation.
A losing battle
The real suffering surrounding network security can be found in the system
administrator population, which is now playing catch-up. For years, the cries
from above were for functionality. Integrate this, introduce this new
technology, give us the ability to read sensitive corporate mail from our
personal American Online (AOL) accounts. Management worldwide didn't care
how things were done or what changes had to be made, they just wanted everything to be easy!
With the media and fledgling security companies preaching about the benefits of and need for good security, administrators are scrambling. Armed with a new corporate directive, administrators must weed through hundreds of self-proclaimed experts and thousands of inadequate Web sites to find pieces of the security puzzle. Missing the overall philosophy of security, they often become consumed with nit-picky details and technical countermeasures that are not always appropriate for their network. Network administrators today are simply fighting a losing battle, plugging each springing hole in their dam.
Of course, this question is the subject of entire books and Web sites, so a single e-mail response is typically lacking, to say the least. Even if there was no other evidence, the large volume of e-mail I get asking about security advice tells me that networks are behind the curve in security measures.
If you're reading this article, you may already have a production network up and running right now -- putting you at a serious disadvantage. Every passing day brings the possibility of your insecure network being compromised.
While implementing a plan for securing an existing network, you must consider the machines currently deployed. Have any of them been victim to a past compromise? Has an intruder buried himself deep enough so that new security measures will not keep him out? Has an employee with legitimate access secretly backdoored your systems, undermining any new security patches you will install? As a security bricklayer, ask yourself how the wall was built, if you used the right materials, and if there was a bad brick that will undermine the strength of the wall.
One section of the security plan must address these questions and provide policy to deal with cases such as these. Because of these concerns, your task of security will be daunting. For those implementing security policy on a new network, you are exempt from these bad questions! However, you must build the wall from the ground up using the right tools, materials, and techniques, lest it fall at the worst possible time.
For the lucky few who are designing a network from the ground up, the good news is that you can design it in such a way that security should never be a problem or concern for you. Whether it is a completely new network, or additional subnets to your existing corporate structure, implementing security policy from the beginning will alleviate a lot of headaches down the road. Performing consistent upgrades and security patch installation can turn the job of security from a full-time gig into an hour-a-day task. The time gained from this prior planning allows network administrators to spend more time on critical areas as needed. They can also dedicate more time to thorough analysis of logs, implementation of more advanced security measures, and browsing favorite (er, work-related) Web sites.
About the author
Brian Martin of the DSIC Security Group
has been involved in computers since the
early 1980s. His experience spans from first-generation home computers to
large scale servers powering the most current business applications.
Working in the computer security industry for the past five years, he has
provided security audit and penetration assessment for foreign banks,
Fortune 500 companies, and the U.S. Department of Defense. He has provided
training and consultation for the Federal Bureau of Investigation,
Defense Criminal Investigative Services, and the National Security Agency.
In recent months, Brian's articles focusing on security issues have been
widely circulated on the Internet, corporate newsletters, and print
magazines. You can contact him at
Appendix: Five steps to a plan -- security advice in a nutshell
Perhaps the single best piece of advice one could offer for most companies
is to start broad and slowly focus in on the little things. This process
can be broken down into five major steps.
Begin by defining the security philosophy and policy
your company will adhere to. With this in mind, develop a plan to implement the policy on your network. Validate the proposed plan, and proceed to implementing the
technical details that defend the network. Last,
review the security policy as well as the entire
network, checking to see if components were implemented correctly, and that
all machines conform to corporate policy. All too often, administrators
begin to attack the problem of network security at the technical detail
level. This is like trying to plug holes in a near-collapsing dam,
frantically filling one hole as three more spring open. Rather than playing
catch-up on a failing dam, one should look at building a more solid wall
from the foundation.
(1) Security philosophy and policy
Simply put, if you do not go out of your way to explicitly and
intentionally allow a particular user or service, then the traffic to your
network is denied. For the most part, this is the philosophy that all
networks should take. Another way of looking at this is to close all
resources from the start, and slowly open them as needed to continue
network functionality.
In the example above, we see three specific rules allowing a person(s)
to access specific network resources. Incoming traffic is
checked against each rule one at a time. If it doesn't match the first
three, it then matches the final rule denying the traffic. This security
philosophy defaults to the most secure posture for your network, and is
ideal for corporate networks with an Internet presence.
Opposite of the other philosophy, this one is intended for open networks
that share resources with almost anyone. This philosophy is best suited for
public resources found at colleges, search engines, etc.
The above example sets three specific rules that block incoming traffic.
All other connections from any host are allowed to connect to the
resources we share. In the case of repeated intrusion attempts against a
network, it might be determined that blocking access to a particular host
will deter further attempts (rule #1). If a back door is found in one of
your Web products, it may be wise to block access to the people found
exploiting it (rule #2). Thousands of pieces of junk mail delivered from
the same domain can cause unneeded network congestion and lead to blocking
a domain from sending mail (rule #3). All other traffic would be permitted
to reach its destination.
Disclaimer: These are fictitious "rules" designed to illustrate
the philosophy of security. Implementing rules such as these will
vary widely depending on each company's needs, as well as the tools
they use to enforce such traffic enforcement.
(2) Developing a plan
Who will be involved?
The plan must include everyone that will be involved in the project.
This includes company employees as well as outside consultants. It
should be thorough and list which phases of the plan will be implemented,
and the people involved. Assign a point of contact (POC)
at each phase that will answer questions and make decisions
if something is unclear.
What will be done?
List details when each aspect of security is outlined (physical, training, network).
This includes the actual policy that will
dictate what is done to a machine or resource to make it secure.
Include whom will train employees, what material will be covered, what
types of controlled access will be installed, and which vendor will
be utilized. Include also the amount of money will it take, and where
it will come from.
What timeframe is needed?
Give each phase of the security plan adequate time to
be completed. It is important that this timeframe reflect the best
estimate to finish the job. If the deadlines are impossible to meet,
the entire plan will take on a negative and burdening feel from the
first missed deadline. It is important not to over-estimate the time so that
those involved do not lose focus of the long-term goals.
(3) Validate
You should make sure to choose reputable and knowledgeable consultants to review this
plan. If the security plan is developed by a mix of outside consultants
and inside staff, seek validation by conducting a peer review (others knowledgeable
about security but not necessarily on this project) or hiring third-party
consultants. Hiring additional consultants to audit the first set may be
expensive, but the results can often be staggering.
(4) Implementing the technical
Each system is analyzed for security weaknesses, and each vulnerability is
fixed. This analysis includes concerns for both local and remote users. Always keep
in mind that security threats may come from internal users (yes, your
employees) just as quickly as external hackers. Company firewalls have
their rule sets checked, router configurations reviewed, and operating
system patches updated. All of your administrator's time spent reading
security Web sites and mail lists should pale in comparison to your
corporate security plan. Sites and lists can typically offer a good idea
of security vulnerabilities and patches, but can lack the whole picture that
brings it together for your organization.
(5) Review
The final step in implementing a security plan should be a real-world test
of your network. Contact employees at random to ensure that everything is
still working properly. Securing networks has a nasty habit of turning off
services or denying access to legitimate employees. The goal is to achieve
a secure network and maintain all functionality needed to conduct
business. If your budget allows, hire a quick and dirty third-party penetration
assessment of your network.
Security can be boiled down into two major philosophies, each of which
will guide network security policy. It is usually fairly obvious which
will be more appropriate to your network, but the choice may not
necessarily be black and white. Companies that offer public services
outside of their internal network may adopt on philosophy for those
machines, while adopting the other for important resources.
That which is not explicitly allowed, is denied.
That which is not explicitly denied, is allowed.
This stage of network security will often be the most lengthy and
difficult phase. In a seemingly never ending game of proposal and
revision, the plan for addressing the security needs of your company must
be detailed, precise, and thorough. It must cover all aspects of the
company resources, not just network-connected computers. Issues such as
physical security, employee awareness, and administrator training must also be
In the ideal security plan, validation occurs at every stage of the
game. Because time and resources are often sparse, this cannot necessarily
happen. If this is a problem you foresee, there are at least two phases
where validation must occur; validation of the security plan and review
of the finished product. Validation is essential to ensure integrity is
maintained throughout the security process. Validation may come in
different forms depending on the resources available to you. If the entire
plan for security is developed in-house, you should seek external security
consultants to review your plan and make suggestions. Just because they
review the plan does not mean they have to be involved in implementation
down the road.
At this point, you should be breaking out the old jargon dictionary and
reviewing terms like SSH, HTTPS, FWTK, and more. Administrators of each
machine take the time required to implement the policy set forth in this
process. If the security plan is thorough and your technical staff is capable,
this phase of the operation should go smoothly and quickly.
When the security concerns have been discovered and the policy
implemented, it is important to review and validate the work done. It is
critical that you warn your staff of this stage in advance. Explain to
them that this step is not being taken because of a lack of trust in them, but is simply a method
for making sure that all phases of the project have been completed. We all
know that in large companies, the signals can get crossed, leading to confusion
about who did what. This stage of review is simply a tool to make sure
everyone completed the required task and the network is secure.