cats : relative


02-07-18 badger-hide4

Deep Sleep... he had to hide in the clothes basket to guarantee undisturbed sleep.

02-07-18 badger05


02-07-18 badger07

Like my other cats, Badger was fond of stealing my chair first chance he got.

02-07-18 badger11

02-07-18 badger12

02-08-09 badger04

02-08-18 badger-fridge04

02-08-18 badger-sleep03

02-08-29 maya03

Mother's: Maya (Colorado)

02-08-29 maya08

02-08-29 maya12

02-08-29 zoe12

Mother's: Zoe (Colorado)

02-08-29 zoe13

03-02-20 badger-closeup

03-06-25 badger

03-09-01-badger turtle

03-09-01 badger turtle


Father's: Bosworth (Missouri)


Bosworth, after fresh water. Earlier in life he had some kind of accident. The resulting surgery left him without his tail.


Father's: Jezebel (Missouri)

merlin grass

CF's: Merlin (New Jersey)

merlin hween4

merlin sleep2

suzy sendmail

CF's: Suzy, another kitty who likes Sendmail. (New Jersey) [RIP]

Photo album generated by album from MarginalHacks on Sat Nov 29 04:00:53 2003