[I was late in posting to the list. As such, Brian McWilliams with Newsbytes has written an article on this defacement already.]


Hackers Deface Microsoft Career Server

By Brian McWilliams, Newsbytes
23 Jul 2001, 12:48 PM CST

Attackers defaced a Web server belonging to Microsoft's [NASDAQ:MSFT] MSN Careers portal Sunday, the latest in a string of security breeches at sites operated by the software giant.

The home page of the "Who's Hiring" server, which hosts regional job listings for MSN's Job Hunt section, was replaced with a text message which read, "Perfect.br owned y0u." The defaced page was still viewable this morning.

The compromised server appears to be running Microsoft's Internet Information Server (IIS) version 4.0.

Microsoft officials were not immediately available for comment.


Mirror or defacement: http://www.safemode.org/mirror/2001/07/22/content.mswh.careers.msn.com/

Previous Microsoft defacements: http://attrition.org/security/commentary/microsoft-list.html

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