Synnergy Laboratories Advisory SLA-2000-9 NAME Sambar HTTPD ISAPI 4.4 b3 & b4 search vulnerability AFFECTED Windows Win95 WinNT OSR2 Linux (possibily) SYNOPSIS Synnergy Labs has found a bug in Sambar's dynamic link loader which does not check malformed query parameters, allowing a remote user to view arbitrary contents on the server running this httpd. DESCRIPTION The Sambar Server,, comes with a non-caching HTTP proxy server and basic SMTP, POP3, and IMAP4 proxy servers compiled in. Sambar was created to test a three-tier communication infrastructure modeled after the Sybase Open Client/Open Server. Originally developed on a Sun Workstation (UNIX), it was ported to the PC (Windows 32) and licensed for commercial purposes. The vulnerability occurs in the search.dll Sambar ISAPI Search shipped with this product. This dynamic link loader does not check on the 'query' parameter that is parsed to the server, therefore by constructing a malformed URL we are able to view the contents of the server, all folders, and files. Thanks also to USSR Labs ( for further testing. EXPLOIT All that is needed is a malformed query parameter parsed to the search.dll file. .. this will reveal the current working directory contents. .. this will reveal the root dir of the server. SOLUTION The vendor [ ] of Sambar Technologies has been contacted, so wait until a patched version comes out. AUTHOR dethy @ DISCLAIMER Synnergy Laboratories may not be held liable for the use or potential effects of these programs or advisories, nor the content contained within. Use them at your own risk. COPYRIGHT Synnergy Laboratories - (c) 1998-2000