From: security curmudgeon ( To: Richard Buss ( Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2003 01:23:05 -0500 (EST) Subject: RE: Awesome Site : PS: : : Your right with your disclaimer - Your ISP is not responsible for the : content you put up there. However........ We will file against them, : and they will have to make a decision: Do they hire an attorney and : try to fight it, or do they just roll over. We aren't interested in They will roll over, in which case I move the image to a host that WILL fight it, as I have done in the past. As long as you pursue this route and threaten us with harassment, threaten to report us to the police for a crime YOU originally comimtted, file a frivilous law suit, waste the court time and possibly perjur yourself .. we will fight you however we can withing the confines of the law. : your server company and your server company knows this. They will roll : over and say "your right", give us the information we request, and : we'll drop all charges against them. They do not have access to the information you want. No one at our ISP can log into this server in any form. : Your disclaimer is very wrong when it says "you don't have any rights : here". That's almost funny. We do have rights, and we will exercise : them. Have a nice day.