From: prannoy pratheep (
To: jericho[at]
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2007 17:21:04 +0400
Subject: plz hack this for me ill catch your leg

i want to get the password of this id
  and you can send the password to

                   plz jericho. i hope u send as soon as possible plzz

From: prannoy pratheep (
X-Originating-IP: []
To: jericho[at]
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2007 17:32:06 +0400
Subject: plz hack this for me. ill catch your leg

i want to get the password of this id
and send the password to

From: d2d (d2d[at]
To: prannoy pratheep (
Cc: jericho[at]
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2007 20:58:00 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Re: plz hack this for me ill catch your leg

Jericho is um, indisposed.

Do you know how to make cookies by chance?  Specifically sugar cookies,
and preferably moon shaped, though 'tis the season so..., fuck it, snowman
shaped.  Red scarves too.


From: prannoy pratheep (
To: jericho[at]
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2007 12:53:52 +0400
Subject: plz plz send the password i will vote for your website if you give me the password

i want to get the password of this id and you
can send the password to
               plz jericho. i hope u send as soon as possible plz
jericho      hey!!! jericho i dont know to do plz jericho dont play on me
jericho plz ill catch your leg plz send the password

From: mage (mage[at]
To: prannoy pratheep (
Cc: jericho[at]
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2007 17:17:33 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Re: plz plz send the password i will vote for your website if you give me the password

You'll catch Jericho's leg?  What are you, a cocker spaniel?  Or is that a cocker 
spanker?  It's hard to tell from your note....but either way I'd have you spayed 
immediately because your demon seed should not be allowed to further pollute the 
global ecosystem. Password requests without offers of booze or hookers? Ha! I 
piss on your request and shat on your threats to ride Jericho's leg!

Plz understand my words. I hope u can soon cuz I am bored with you now.


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