Back in July, 2010, a wonderful young lady named Jelena Cingara contacted us looking for someone to do a 'job' for her. There was a fun back-and-forth, it was added to Postal and we moved on. In September, 2010, she contacted us again asking us to remove the page completely. Instead, the conversation took on an interesting turn as she claimed to have interesting contact with Gregory D. Evans. We offered to redact the previous postal in trade for proof of her claims. Ultimately, she couldn't produce much, but she tried. In return, we redacted the page as she requested, removing her name from it. We thought that would be the end..
Instead, she contacted us yet again (March, 2011) asking us to remove the original page. Because of the new e-mail thread going on as we publish this, her name is being included in this one. Causality bitchez.
From: Jelena Cingara ( X-Originating-IP: [] To: abuse[at] Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 21:48:21 +0000 Subject: hi! one of your members has posted a website online about me I wanted to hire him as a hacker - but he took my money, and didn't give me anything in return. I didn't even want his services at all after.. Please take this website off immidately. He has since then been harassing me constantly, and I am even willing to go to the police about this. I can tell you the website where you can contact him after... JeLeNa CiNgArA
From: security curmudgeon (jericho[at] To: Jelena Cingara ( Cc: abuse[at] Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 17:07:40 -0500 (CDT) Subject: Re: hi! : one of your members has posted a website online about me a web page, not a web site. : : : I wanted to hire him as a hacker - but he took my money, and didn't give : me anything in return. I didn't even want his services at all after.. : Please take this website off immidately. He has since then been : harassing me constantly, and I am even willing to go to the police about : this. except, I didn't take your money. you didn't pay for anything and you kept ignoring my sound advice. the word "money" doesn't appear in that thread. pretty lame attempt at lying to try to get me kicked off the web site I run. : I can tell you the website where you can contact him after... yeah, this web site, that I run where I posted that page. you don't need to tell me about it, I am kind of familiar with it. nice try Jelena.
From: Jelena Cingara ( X-Originating-IP: [] To: root[at] Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2010 00:07:05 +0000 Subject: FW: hi! I spoke to this man - but I never hired a hacker or did anything - and he posted this to emberass me online. Please remove this immediately.... This is not rightJelena JeLeNa CiNgArA
From: Jelena Cingara ( X-Originating-IP: [] To: staff[at] Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2010 00:13:13 +0000 Subject: FW: hi! Please remove this This man presented to be a hacker, and we stopped all contact after. This is very emberassing Thanks Jelena
From: Jelena Cingara ( X-Originating-IP: [] To: root[at] Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2010 00:24:23 +0000 Subject: RE: hi! How would you feel if someone did this to you? I have clients online etc... this is not very nice... JeLeNa CiNgArA
From: Apathetic Lucidity (apacid[at] To: Jelena Cingara ( Cc: staff[at] Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 19:25:02 -0500 (CDT) Subject: Re: FW: hi! What's embarrassing is your spelling. General communication skills aren't so hot either. a.l.
From: Apathetic Lucidity (apacid[at] To: Jelena Cingara ( Cc: root[at] Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 19:26:31 -0500 (CDT) Subject: Re: FW: hi! You just contradicted yourself. You state he took your money, and then you state that you never hired a hacker or 'did anything'. Please do not breed. a.l.
From: lyger (lyger[at] To: Apathetic Lucidity (apacid[at] Cc: Jelena Cingara (, staff[at] Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 19:28:05 -0500 (CDT) Subject: Re: FW: hi! Actually, this whole round of latest emails will likely get the same treatment as the previous ones, without the guise of politeness. Then again, maybe not since the last X-Originating IP isn't within 3000 miles of the original one, or even in the same country.
From: Apathetic Lucidity (apacid[at] To: Jelena Cingara ( Cc: root[at] Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 19:28:54 -0500 (CDT) Subject: RE: hi! As a matter of fact, I am listed on this website far more times than you, and accused of doing things far more horrible. It doesn't bother me because: a) At least I'm not Lyger. b) I'm still not Lyger. -and- c) Do I really have to say it? Maybe you should talk this over with Lyger. a.l.
From: lyger (lyger[at] To: Apathetic Lucidity (apacid[at] Cc: Jelena Cingara (, root[at] Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 19:35:56 -0500 (CDT) Subject: RE: hi! Game over. - - [30/Sep/2010:17:29:45 -0500] "GET /errata/charlatan/gregory_evans/ligatt01/ HTTP/1.1" 200 32144 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macin tosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100625 Firefox/3.6.6" [later] - - [30/Sep/2010:17:49:55 -0500] "GET /errata/charlatan/gregory_evans/ligatt03/ HTTP/1.1" 200 27274 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U ; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100625 Firefox/3.6.6" - - [30/Sep/2010:17:49:55 -0500] "GET /errata/charlatan/gregory_evans/ligatt03/1-check.jpg HTTP/1.1" 200 4462 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100625 Firefox/3.6.6" - - [30/Sep/2010:17:49:55 -0500] "GET /errata/charlatan/gregory_evans/ligatt03/2-question.jpg HTTP/1.1" 200 12021 " 03/" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100625 Firefox/3.6.6" - - [30/Sep/2010:17:49:55 -0500] "GET /errata/charlatan/gregory_evans/ligatt03/0-cross.jpg HTTP/1.1" 200 4167 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100625 Firefox/3.6.6" - - [30/Sep/2010:17:51:39 -0500] "GET /postal/z/041/1292.html HTTP/1.1" 200 14428 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; en-US; r v: Gecko/20100625 Firefox/3.6.6" - - [30/Sep/2010:17:51:40 -0500] "GET /attrition.css HTTP/1.1" 200 2376 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100625 Firefox/3.6.6" - - [30/Sep/2010:17:51:40 -0500] "GET /images/f-bak.gif HTTP/1.1" 200 1067 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10 .6; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100625 Firefox/3.6.6" - - [30/Sep/2010:17:51:40 -0500] "GET /images/f-att.gif HTTP/1.1" 200 2255 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10 .6; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100625 Firefox/3.6.6" - - [30/Sep/2010:17:51:40 -0500] "GET /images/f-mai.gif HTTP/1.1" 200 1139 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10 .6; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100625 Firefox/3.6.6" An idiot pretending to be someone we postaled is worse than the original idiot.
From: Jelena Cingara ( X-Originating-IP: [] To: jericho[at] Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 23:54:28 +0000 Subject: please remove what you posted online about me I did not hire you I did not have any evidence from you please don't take this any further I have reported you on your website for abuse. Jelena
From: security curmudgeon (jericho[at] To: Jelena Cingara ( Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 20:08:33 -0500 (CDT) Subject: Re: please remove : what you posted online about me : I did not hire you you tried, i said no : I did not have any evidence from you this makes no sense : please don't take this any further then quit mailing me : I have reported you on your website for abuse. yes, you reported me, to me. WELL DONE this is all really unfortunate, you are kind of cute. dumb as a bag of mayo, but kind of cute.
From: security curmudgeon (jericho[at] To: Jelena Cingara ( Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 20:09:29 -0500 (CDT) Subject: Re: FW: hi! On Fri, 1 Oct 2010, Jelena Cingara wrote: : I spoke to this man - but I never hired a hacker or did anything - and : he posted this to emberass me online. Please remove this immediately.... : This is not rightJelena news flash.. if I answer abuse@, then i likely answer root@ mail too.
From: security curmudgeon (jericho[at] To: Jelena Cingara ( Cc: Sick Little Monkeys (staff[at] Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 20:10:46 -0500 (CDT) Subject: Re: FW: hi! On Fri, 1 Oct 2010, Jelena Cingara wrote: : Please remove this : : This man presented to be a hacker, and we stopped all contact after. This is very emberassing I also answer some of the staff@ mail too. You can mail anyone on this system and there are three outcomes: 1. it goes to me, i won't remove it 2. you find the one other person who can edit postal, and ask him (that is lyger@, i'll help you out) 3. it goes to another user, who doesn't have access to remove it next try?
From: Jelena Cingara ( X-Originating-IP: [] To: lyger[at] Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2010 02:34:07 +0000 Subject: RE: hi! Can u just please take that off I was talking to one of your employees about hacking, and then we agreed he shouldn't do it. I would really appreciate it. Thanks Jelena
From: Jelena Cingara ( X-Originating-IP: [] To: lyger[at] Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2010 02:36:30 +0000 Subject: RE: hi! no that is me I am in Rochester NY for a few days Jelena really..
From: Jelena Cingara ( X-Originating-IP: [] To: lyger[at] Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2010 02:37:40 +0000 Subject: RE: hi! well it bothers me because it shows up under my name under google and that is where my professional clients find me JeLeNa CiNgArA
From: lyger (lyger[at] To: Jelena Cingara ( Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 22:09:37 -0500 (CDT) Subject: RE: hi! First, I'm going to ask that you reply to all of my following emails in ONE reply. Not three. Not two. One. I'm growing weary of all of the emails, including those you sent to root@, staff@, and abuse@, since I receive all of those emails as well. Note, from the original email you sent to "I would like for you to break into facebook private messages/or emails of the piano students an at The University of Iowa School of Music" What you "liked for" someone to do was commit a crime, on your behalf, across state lines, which makes not only the request a federal offense but generally would make your request a solicitation of a felony. You also asked how much said person "charges", showing the seriousness of your intent (e.g monetary compensation) in the matter. You then also LIED by saying that the person you contacted took your money, never provided services, and you might consider involving the police in the matter. Having known said person for several years and have *never* known of any question of integrity on said person's part, I can only assume one thing: You, my dear, are a fucking fruitcake. We have no employees here. We do, however, have benefits. One of those benefits is trying to explain to people like you how people like us put up with people like you. The explanation is... we don't. Had you presented your case in an honest, truthful manner, and said "hey guys, I fucked up, sorry, can you please redact my name from those emails?", we might have considered it. Instead, you made up a fairy tale about money changing hands, hacking services performed, and whatever other spew you came up with, which leads me to believe that your original story about a "misunderstanding" was probably bullshit as well. The answer is no. Unless you come up with something resembling a shred of truth about this whole situation, the page and emails stay intact. And don't piss me off again. Unlike most people, you only get one strike with me. Lyger
From: Jelena Cingara ( X-Originating-IP: [] To: lyger[at] Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2010 03:48:30 +0000 Subject: RE: hi! You shouldn't insult people and stuff. Your friend put this up online in the first place.. which in my opinion is highly unethical/unmoral/since I didn't hire him in the first place. It is also very degrating to a personality. You jump to conclusions about people lieing/etc... completely J. Cingara
From: Jelena Cingara ( X-Originating-IP: [] To: lyger[at] Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2010 03:46:30 +0000 Subject: RE: hi! no god listen that wasn't it I was honest - it was 2 hackers who I was talking to - the other one charged me money(not your friend)....I taught it was him who put it on the website bc he has been harassing me for months on facebook under different names to give him more money - it wasn't your friend. Later when I checked, I remembered that conversation - with your friend..I just panicked when I saw that website! The other guy is Gregory Evans on facebook - from Atlanta, Georgia - I didn't make up any story. I have my masters degree Thank you Jelena Cingara
From: lyger (lyger[at] To: Jelena Cingara ( Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 23:05:05 -0500 (CDT) Subject: RE: hi! Again, I ask for one email response, not two, but I'm interested in what you just mentioned. "The other guy", Gregory Evans from Atlanta, Georgia... do you still have any of his Facebook or email messages to you? Would you be able to take screenshots of anything he has sent to you and send them to me? Since you said he was under different names, how do you know it was him? Make you a possible deal here, and one that may work out well for you. If you can answer my questions above and provide me with every piece of information about your contact with Gregory Evans of Atlanta Georgia, we might be able to see what we can do about your request to remove some things from that page. Tell me the whole story to start, with as much detail as possible. And yes, I'm being completely serious. One email only to start, please.
From: Jelena Cingara ( X-Originating-IP: [] To: lyger[at] Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2010 04:15:28 +0000 Subject: RE: hi! No unfortunately I don't have any messages. I was saving them, but just type in Gregory Evans, on facebook there is a car like on the picture - and he is from Atlanta Georgia. You can see on the first page that he is connected with Ligetti Security Services? Nothing the whole story was :that he was like hey dont hire any other hackers but me, so many of them are phonies - I am the real thing - like he will get me all the evidence in the world bla bla just send the money to him - he is in the Philippines. I sent him some money, and he said to send more, and didn't give me any evidence and then kept harassing me like so many times on facebook chat/messages to send him more money or he won't release my evidence. I told him I'm not going to and now he keeps trying to harass me under different names on facebook, and I keep refusing him. This is why I taught that this was him! Sorry about that. Just please delete that page. I was actually keeping the evidence up untill a few days ago, but deleted it bc of my previous experiences. Thanks J. Cingara
From: lyger (lyger[at] To: Jelena Cingara ( Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 23:26:21 -0500 (CDT) Subject: RE: hi! We'll need something to go on as far as Mr. Evans is concerned. We're actually (painfully) aware of who he is, which is how you originally found our site earlier today (around 6:30pm your time from the University of Rochester network). If you have *anything* of evidence left over, please send it our way. Going forward, if you receive any contact from him, either under his real name or a pseudonym, please forward that to us as well. Anything you send that will verify that he has been or is currently harrasing you will likely (as in 99.999%) end up with having your name and email address redacted from the page on our site. Fair?
From: Jelena Cingara ( X-Originating-IP: [] To: lyger[at] Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2010 04:31:30 +0000 Subject: RE: hi! Well yeah But that website is still on google - I am applying to new schools right now - if anyone from there googles me - it will be soo emberassing! Please just take it off....I have a witness - a psychic I talk to - you can go to her and ask her... She will tell you the same story. She is cosmic73 on psychic bitwine... Jelena
From: Jelena Cingara ( X-Originating-IP: [] To: lyger[at] Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2010 04:36:37 +0000 Subject: RE: hi! Patrick Rashid Al-Mauly Unblock Ron Sarkar Unblock Gregory Evans Unblock Nathan Winkel Unblock Sandra Breda Unblock here is my block list..
From: security curmudgeon (jericho[at] To: Jelena Cingara ( Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2010 00:01:53 -0500 (CDT) Subject: RE: hi! (fwd) Hi Jelena, Me again. And don't panic, hear me out. As Lyger said, we are very interested in getting this information, but it has to be in a format that we can use as verification it is real. If we get that information, we will immediately obscure your name and e-mail address on the page posted. <- that is your good news To do that, you need to provide more information. I can help walk you through everything if you need, but please take your time and give as much detail as possible. Some of the things you have said so far don't make sense or kind of contradict each other. : He is both Sandra Breda/and Gregory Evans.. thats some evidence that he : was trying to harass me under diff. names How do you know? What was the chain of events that lead you to think that? : Patrick Rashid Al-Mauly Unblock : Ron Sarkar Unblock : Gregory Evans Unblock : Nathan Winkel Unblock : Sandra Breda Unblock : : here is my block list.. Based on the above, that means the first two names were blocked before you talked with Evans, and you can rule them out as possibly being him? Facebook saves your messages. At the top, to the right of the 'facebook' logo, are three buttons. The first is for friends requests, the second is for personal messages and the third is for notifications. If you click on the middle button, 'Messages', and scroll down, are there any messages listed from Evans or Breda?
From: Jelena Cingara ( X-Originating-IP: [] To: lyger[at] Date: Sat, 2 Oct 2010 00:23:34 +0000 Subject: RE: hi! can you please answer me if you can delete me off of the webiste and if that was enough evidence? Sorry to bother you, but this is really extremelly important to me! Thanks J. Cingara
From: Jelena Cingara ( X-Originating-IP: [] To: apacid[at] Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2010 02:35:18 +0000 Subject: RE: hi! No no there was 2 coincidences One was with your employee We just talked about him hacking, and then he didn't do it, and I didn't want him to. Please be nice and take this off the web. Jelena
From: Apathetic Lucidity (apacid[at] To: Jelena Cingara ( Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2010 19:33:23 -0500 (CDT) Subject: RE: hi! Didn't lyger already out you as a pathetic imposter? >CARTMAN<Suck mah ballz>/CARTMAN< a.l.
Apacid failed, did not save a mail sent directly to him. Her mail is captured in the quoted reply though.
From: Apathetic Lucidity (apacid[at] To: Jelena Cingara ( Cc: lyger (lyger[at], security curmudgeon (jericho[at] Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2010 20:06:43 -0500 (CDT) Subject: RE: hi! Yeah... lyger LEFT ME OUT OF A CRUCIAL BIT OF COMMUNICATION HERE... But that's ok. I won't hate him forever for it, just a few hundred years. All joking and abuse aside, Evans is bad news. If you have evidence that he took advantage of you, jericho & lyger are the ones who can help. a.l. On Sat, 2 Oct 2010, Jelena Cingara wrote: : no he said he might do it and I sent him some evidence.. please consult with : him : Thank u : Jelena
From: Jelena Cingara ( X-Originating-IP: [] To: apacid[at] Date: Sat, 2 Oct 2010 02:08:08 +0000 Subject: RE: hi! the very fact that jericho posted this on going postal - without my acknowledgment is very emberassing, and has nothing to do with Greg Evans. I would really appreciate it if you could take this down ASAP, since I my career depends a lot on it.. so please do tha Jelena
From: Jelena Cingara ( X-Originating-IP: [] To: abuse[at] Date: Sat, 2 Oct 2010 07:30:59 +0000 Subject: RE: hi! PLEAASEEEEEEEEEEEEE REMOVE THAT from the internet PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Jelena
From: security curmudgeon (jericho[at] To: Jelena Cingara ( Cc: Apathetic Lucidity (apacid[at], lyger (lyger[at] Date: Sat, 2 Oct 2010 03:07:03 -0500 (CDT) Subject: RE: hi! when you ignore my sincere mail asking for information, offering to remove the content? no. wake up, gain a few brain cells and deal with me directly. quit mailing anyone other than jericho@. that is the ONLY way the page MIGHT be redacted or removed. <- that simple, no exceptions.
From: Jelena Cingara ( X-Originating-IP: [] To: lyger[at] Date: Sat, 2 Oct 2010 07:58:43 +0000 Subject: RE: hi! Please take me off I have been through so much in the past year! its enough that all this happened, and now its posted all over internet - for EVERYONE to see.. - this is just madness. please do it
From: Jelena Cingara ( X-Originating-IP: [] To: apacid[at] Date: Sat, 2 Oct 2010 05:46:49 +0000 Subject: RE: hi! can u please answer me? he is not answering...
From: lyger (lyger[at] To: Jelena Cingara ( Cc: security curmudgeon (jericho[at] Bcc: Apathetic Lucidity (apacid[at] Date: Sat, 2 Oct 2010 10:41:56 -0500 (CDT) Subject: RE: hi! I... am only going... to say this once. So read it, think about it, and understand it. Look at the CC field of this email. It says "jericho". From this point forward, only mail him asbout this matter. I'm dead serious. Don't even reply to this email. Don't email apacid@, root@, abuse@, or any other email address at Don't forget that this whole issue started when *you* contacted complete strangers to commission what is a *federal crime*. After finding out about your dealings with Evans, we offered to redact your name and email address from the "Going Postal" section of our website if you could help us gather information about your dealings with Evans. Jericho offered to help you, so you need to chill out, work with him, and be patient until he does answer you. To be quite frank, the way you have handled this entire matter has been beyond annoying. I don't care about your master's degree; you've clearly shown your ignorance multiple times over the last couple of days. I also don't care what you think about the fact that I'm insulting you. We have offered to HELP you. If Jericho keeps me in the loop, I will assist to whatever degree I feel is appropriate. Until then, HELP HIM HELP YOU by going through your Facebook information per his previous instructions. You really should think more before acting on stupid impulses. Look at where it's gotten you so far.
From: Jelena Cingara ( X-Originating-IP: [] To: lyger[at] Date: Sat, 2 Oct 2010 15:45:56 +0000 Subject: RE: hi! look ! I have not ACTED on any impulses. Someone broke into my facebook/hotmail account ILLEGALY and accused me of something at school, my teacher kicked me out of her studio - it was ridiculous -something that I never even said, that someone turned around. I ended up having to leave that school., after I payed them 70 000 dollars. I contacted him for help, because I taught what that school did to me was illegal, and I just needed proof of my innocence - that's all - that so many students talk bla bla. Anyhow. He posted this on the internet, and to me that is seriously like a crime... No matter what the other guy did (EVANS) - he didn't post anything on the internet about me for everyone to see. I contacted your office - when I was at a very bad state in my life, and this is what I get???? please take it off. Jericho didn't even answer my emails... Jelena
From: Jelena Cingara ( X-Originating-IP: [] To: lyger[at] Date: Sat, 2 Oct 2010 15:48:20 +0000 Subject: RE: hi! Yes I have read it! I don't have any evidence of EVANS.. and like I said this EVANS has nothing to do with what jericho posted on the whole web for me to see. Jericho didn't even reply to me..
From: Jelena Cingara ( X-Originating-IP: [] To: lyger[at] Cc: jericho[at] Date: Sat, 2 Oct 2010 15:49:30 +0000 Subject: RE: hi! In my eyes what you are doing is worse then Evans....It is extremelly highly/morally/ethically wrong... I never did anything wrong....with jericho - all I did was talk to him that's it..
From: Jelena Cingara ( X-Originating-IP: [] To: lyger[at] Date: Sat, 2 Oct 2010 15:52:44 +0000 Subject: RE: hi! He didn't answer for the past 3 days and I have no evidence.. except the one that I sent you....
From: lyger (lyger[at] To: Jelena Cingara ( Cc: security curmudgeon ( Date: Sat, 2 Oct 2010 10:47:23 -0500 (CDT) Subject: RE: hi! I'm not even reading this email. You clearly didn't read mine.
From: lyger (lyger[at] To: Jelena Cingara ( Cc: security curmudgeon (jericho[at] Date: Sat, 2 Oct 2010 10:51:33 -0500 (CDT) Subject: RE: hi! : : : Look at the CC field of this email. It says "jericho". From this point : : : forward, only mail him asbout this matter. I'm dead serious. Don't even : : : reply to this email. ^^ What part of that do you NOT understand? : : : Jericho offered to help you, so you need to chill out, work with : : : him, and be patient until he does answer you. ^^ What part of that do you NOT understand?
From: lyger (lyger[at] To: Jelena Cingara ( Cc: jericho[at] Date: Sat, 2 Oct 2010 10:53:07 -0500 (CDT) Subject: RE: hi! On Sat, 2 Oct 2010, Jelena Cingara wrote: : : In my eyes what you are doing is worse then Evans....It is extremelly : highly/morally/ethically wrong... : : I never did anything wrong....with jericho - all I did was talk to him : that's it.. : : : Don't forget that this whole issue started when *you* contacted : : : complete strangers to commission what is a : : : *federal crime*. ^^ What part of that do you NOT understand?
From: lyger (lyger[at] To: Jelena Cingara ( Cc: security curmudgeon (jericho[at] Date: Sat, 2 Oct 2010 10:57:48 -0500 (CDT) Subject: RE: hi! Bullshit. He replied to you less than 36 hours ago: From: security curmudgeon (jericho[at] To: Jelena Cingara ( Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2010 00:01:53 -0500 (CDT) Subject: RE: hi! (fwd) Hi Jelena, Me again. And don't panic, hear me out. *************************************************** Sit and wait. He'll reply when he wants to. And if you email me again, so help me god, I'll be tempted to put that web page on the FRONT PAGE of the site, not just buried in the Postal section. Do. Not. Reply. I'm dead fucking serious.
From: Jelena Cingara ( X-Originating-IP: [] To: jericho[at] Date: Sat, 2 Oct 2010 17:03:20 +0000 Can u please take me off of going postal PLEASE Jelena
From: security curmudgeon (jericho[at] To: Jelena Cingara ( Date: Sat, 2 Oct 2010 13:17:24 -0500 (CDT) Subject: Re: your mail On Sat, 2 Oct 2010, Jelena Cingara wrote: : Can u please take me off of going postal PLEASE Can you please learn to read mails, comprehend them and then reply to the points that warrant an answer? Until then, no.
From: Jelena Cingara ( X-Originating-IP: [] To: lyger[at] Date: Mon, 4 Oct 2010 22:25:53 +0000 Subject: RE: hi! Hi! He still hasn't answered Can u please talk to him ! Thanks J. Cingara
From: security curmudgeon (jericho[at] To: Jelena Cingara ( Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2010 15:38:57 -0500 (CDT) Subject: RE: hi! (fwd) Until you read and respond to this mail, don't bother mailing me or anyone else on attrition. You keep up your rampant stupidity and I will block all of your mail from reaching our system. That means the page stays up forever. Your choice. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: security curmudgeon (jericho[at] To: Jelena Cingara ( Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2010 00:01:53 -0500 (CDT) Subject: RE: hi! (fwd) Hi Jelena, Me again. And don't panic, hear me out. [..]
From: Jelena Cingara ( X-Originating-IP: [] To: root[at], jericho[at], lyger[at] Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2010 21:38:41 +0000 From: security curmudgeon (jericho[at] To: Jelena Cingara ... She kicked me out of her piano studio, and at the end I was kicked out of school ... - Cached This is what comes up under my name under gogle I have requested for you to take this page off 5 days ago kindly PLEASE take it off Thank you
From: lyger (lyger[at] To: Jelena Cingara ( Cc: security curmudgeon (jericho[at] Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2010 16:51:51 -0500 (CDT) Subject: Re: your mail Nobody can possibly be this stupid. I say we block her email address, keep the page up, AND possibly do a special "asshat" edition with all of the most recent mails. And yes, she's on the email too, just for being such a dumb fucking cunt.
From: Jelena Cingara ( X-Originating-IP: [] To: lyger[at] Cc: jericho[at] Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2010 22:53:31 +0000 Subject: RE: your mail ok I responded... please take that off and stop insulting me Jelea
From: Jelena Cingara ( X-Originating-IP: [] To: jericho[at] Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2010 22:58:36 +0000 Listen jericho ? stop insulting me, calling me names etc etc. All I did back then was talk to you. I never hired you for any hacking, neither did nobady else hack for me. You have invaded my privacy, and posted this online, I have no idea why?? You have gone beyond any human decency as far as I am concerned...I know that hacking is illegal ? therefore I never did it... JeLeNa CiNgArA
From: Jelena Cingara ( X-Originating-IP: [] To: jericho[at] Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2010 23:00:43 +0000 Subject: RE: the reason that I didn't see your emails if you sent me one before is because you kept sending me insulting emais earlier.... please communicate normally
From: security curmudgeon (jericho[at] To: Jelena Cingara ( Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2010 20:39:37 -0500 (CDT) Subject: Re: your mail : Listen jericho ? stop insulting me, calling me names etc etc. All I did No, you listen, and listen good. Well, you fail at listening, so just listen in some small capacity this time, good or otherwise. : back then was talk to you. I never hired you for any hacking, neither : did nobady else hack for me. You have invaded my privacy, and posted : this online, I have no idea why?? You have gone beyond any human decency : as far as I am concerned...I know that hacking is illegal ? therefore I : never did it... 1. Soliciting someone to hack is a crime. The fact you ran into someone that told you it was illegal and tried to steer you toward legitimate ways of dealing with the problem doesn't make you less a criminal. 2. After me, you still went and tried to find someone else to do it for you. 3. After you mailed and mailed and whined and bitched about everything, both Lyger and I gave you an option that would result in us removing the content you don't like on our web site. Instead, you ignored those mails and wouldn't pursue it, even when I offered to help you figure it out. 4. Posting those mails is not violating your privacy. When you send unencrypted mails to a stranger, there is no real expectation of privacy with regards to the other person. Further, our web site and SMTP server gives a disclaimer that all mails coming into this system become our property, and that if you do not agree, do not mail us. You mailed us, ergo, the mail is ours to do with as we please. 5. I just wanted to use "ergo" in a sentence. So, the offer still stands. Get us the screenshots or copies of the mail between you and Gregory Evans, to our satisfaction, and we will remove the mails I made public. That is your ONLY option here. If you mail anyone other than me one more time, for any reason whatsoever, the offer is off the table and your e-mail address will be blocked from sending us anything. We clear?
From: Jelena Cingara ( X-Originating-IP: [] To: jericho[at] Date: Wed, 6 Oct 2010 01:53:56 +0000 Subject: RE: your mail Yes I did search ? but the whole point was that I never really got the evidence or used it. I didn't ignore yours or lyger's emails. I send liger some evidence of how I blocked Gregory Evans on facebook ? and told him I simply do not have the emails any more. I used to have them, but I erased them. When I contacted you in July ? I contacted you because I needed help from a friend to prove my innocence, that is all, not to stir you into any direction or whatever. Anyhow all I did was talk to you ? and I think no matter what ways you are trying to find hackers, what you post on your website doesn't make any sense.. You can find Gregory Evans on facebook ? he is from Atlanta Georgia - but I can tell you that he wanted the money sent to the phillpines. He told me that he is Chinese.. He also tried to contact me under the name Sandra Breda on facebook as well. Please have some common decency and take me off or your website. I am a good person, and never meant any harm...
From: security curmudgeon (jericho[at] To: Jelena Cingara ( Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2010 20:57:48 -0500 (CDT) Subject: RE: your mail : You can find Gregory Evans on facebook ? he is from Atlanta Georgia - : but I can tell you that he wanted the money sent to the phillpines. He : told me that he is Chinese.. He also tried to contact me under the name : Sandra Breda on facebook as well. I know how to find him. In case you didn't know, we are well aware of who he is, and that is why we want this. If you can prove what you say, it would be incredibly helpful to the security profession. 1. Did the communication happen ON Facebook, via the 'messages'? 2. How do you know Evans is 'Sandra Breda' exactly? : Please have some common decency and take me off or your website. I am a : good person, and never meant any harm... And now you have a way to fix all of this. Just help me understand what happened between you and Evans..
From: Jelena Cingara ( X-Originating-IP: [] To: jericho[at] Date: Wed, 6 Oct 2010 01:58:13 +0000 Subject: RE: your mail I didn't solicit - you answered my email... and presented yourself as wanting to help - I didnt even look at your website... Exposing the most personal information about somene's career online, without their permisssion is highly unethicall. Please just do this for me...
From: Jelena Cingara ( X-Originating-IP: [] To: jericho[at] Date: Wed, 6 Oct 2010 02:03:11 +0000 Subject: RE: your mail Yes at first i found a website that he has - online and I emailed him. Then somehow we got to chatting on facebook chat , he kept telling me how there is so many bad hackers, and that he can do a great job for me, and trying to convince me to come to him. Later on he added me on his messanger, and kept harasing me for more money...I knew that he was Sandra Breda, because when I came into the facebook page of her - she was his friend, and there were just some you know like weird photo's -you could tell that the facebook was just freshly made and kind of fake He contacted me 2 times under that name, and also under some diffrent name.
From: security curmudgeon (jericho[at] To: Jelena Cingara ( Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2010 21:22:12 -0500 (CDT) Subject: RE: your mail : Yes at first i found a website that he has - online and I emailed him. : Then somehow we got to chatting on facebook chat , he kept telling me Facebook chat (lower right corner), or the messages (top left)? If chat, and you are still friends, clicking on his name while he is online should pop up the previous chat. If so, do you see your prior conversation? If messages, those should still be there as well. : how there is so many bad hackers, and that he can do a great job for me, : and trying to convince me to come to him. Later on he added me on his : messanger, and kept harasing me for more money...I knew that he was On "his messenger" means what exactly? A specific IM program like 'MSN Messenger' or 'ICQ'? If so, those programs typically log conversation as well. : Sandra Breda, because when I came into the facebook page of her - she : was his friend, and there were just some you know like weird photo's : -you could tell that the facebook was just freshly made and kind of fake : He contacted me 2 times under that name, and also under some diffrent : name. Gotcha. Same questions as above with the Brenda account. Basically, want to find out if there is *any* evidence left of what he said. Thanks
From: Jelena Cingara ( X-Originating-IP: [] To: jericho[at] Date: Wed, 6 Oct 2010 02:30:28 +0000 Subject: RE: your mail no we are not friends -like I said -I blocked him - but we chatted on both facebook chat and private messages - so I don't have any evidence it was msn messanger - and I also deleted him from there.. I never became friends with Sandra Breda - I just blocked He just seemed like a very primitive person..
From: Jelena Cingara ( X-Originating-IP: [] To: jericho[at] Date: Wed, 6 Oct 2010 02:33:16 +0000 Subject: RE: your mail his msn name was hackspider lim
From: security curmudgeon (jericho[at] To: Jelena Cingara ( Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2010 21:34:01 -0500 (CDT) Subject: RE: your mail : no we are not friends -like I said -I blocked him - but we chatted on : both facebook chat and private messages - so I don't have any evidence : : it was msn messanger - and I also deleted him from there.. : : I never became friends with Sandra Breda - I just blocked that is unfortunate. you could have made a LOT of people happy. Evans is under investigation by several .gov agencies for a variety of alleged crimes. We have been following him for some time. If you think the page with your mails is 'bad', look at this: : He just seemed like a very primitive person.. He is, and he is potentially dangerous to deal with.
From: Jelena Cingara ( X-Originating-IP: [] To: jericho[at] Date: Wed, 6 Oct 2010 02:35:55 +0000 Subject: RE: your mail Well I am sorrry! But that is all that I have. Now can u please take pg. that off your website thanks J. Cingara
From: Jelena Cingara ( X-Originating-IP: [] To: jericho[at] Date: Wed, 6 Oct 2010 02:40:03 +0000 Subject: RE: your mail I really don't have anyhing - I would have given it to u for sure J. Cingara
From: Jelena Cingara ( X-Originating-IP: [] To: jericho[at] Date: Wed, 6 Oct 2010 02:42:33 +0000 Subject: RE: your mail found this in my hotmail contacs:) JeLeNa CiNgArA
From: security curmudgeon (jericho[at] To: Jelena Cingara ( Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2010 21:55:28 -0500 (CDT) Subject: RE: your mail Since you worked with me today, answered questions and provided the little information you had, the page you want has been edited. Lyger has redacted your name / e-mail address so that it will not appear in searches. The content will stay online, but people searching for you will not find the page.
From: Jelena Cingara ( X-Originating-IP: [] To: jericho[at] Date: Wed, 6 Oct 2010 02:59:28 +0000 Subject: RE: your mail Thank you so much! Yes but it also appears under the name Rene Lecuona, Alan Huckleberry, Uriel Tsachor and Ksenia Nosikova. - under those searches as well, it also could appear under searches like sexuall talks, or any of the other words that are on the website, which would be equally emberassing... Seriously I was completely framed. Can u imagine if someone broke into your hotmail account? In search for evidence, and for everything else to follow ? and accusing you of something you never even said..
From: security curmudgeon (jericho[at] To: Jelena Cingara ( Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2010 22:04:46 -0500 (CDT) Subject: RE: your mail On Wed, 6 Oct 2010, Jelena Cingara wrote: : Yes but it also appears under the name Rene Lecuona, Alan Huckleberry, : Uriel Tsachor and Ksenia Nosikova. - under those searches as well, it Except, it doesn't, because Lyger is a smart cookie and redacted those names too.
From: Jelena Cingara ( X-Originating-IP: [] To: jericho[at] Date: Wed, 6 Oct 2010 03:02:04 +0000 Subject: RE: your mail I just checked! It still apears we I type in my name... please if you want to change it do it with some completely diff name
From: Jelena Cingara ( X-Originating-IP: [] To: jericho[at] Date: Wed, 6 Oct 2010 03:03:30 +0000 Subject: RE: your mail also please dont use eveninitals oftechers... my emailadres is very simiar
From: security curmudgeon (jericho[at] To: Jelena Cingara ( Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2010 22:16:42 -0500 (CDT) Subject: RE: your mail Lyger is in charge of redaction. Ask him. : And plus the names are so similar ? that if anyone reads it they'll know : it's me (all the names, my name, email, and all the initials of profs)
From: Jelena Cingara ( X-Originating-IP: [] To: jericho[at] Date: Wed, 6 Oct 2010 03:16:55 +0000 Subject: RE: your mail And plus the names are so similar ? that if anyone reads it they'll know it's me (all the names, my name, email, and all the initials of profs) so then - all I was trying All I was trying was to get your help..
From: security curmudgeon (jericho[at] To: Jelena Cingara ( Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2010 22:17:35 -0500 (CDT) Subject: RE: your mail : And plus the names are so similar ? that if anyone reads it they'll know : it's me (all the names, my name, email, and all the initials of profs) : : so then - all I was trying All I was trying was to get your help.. You got my help. Just not the precise kind of help you wanted.
From: Jelena Cingara ( X-Originating-IP: [] To: jericho[at] Date: Wed, 6 Oct 2010 03:19:22 +0000 Subject: RE: your mail Why are you being so cruel.. Anyhow I hope it never happens to you ? what happened to me. I was framed/ and it was like a crime what happened...I would have never even taught of asking a hacker for anything in my life, I payed $70 000 dollars for that school, put all my efforts/dreams into it, and was kicked out bc. Of something I never even said or did..
From: Jelena Cingara ( X-Originating-IP: [] To: lyger[at] Date: Wed, 6 Oct 2010 03:17:21 +0000 Subject: FW: your mail JeLeNa CiNgArA : Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2010 22:16:42 -0500 : From: : To: : Subject: RE: your mail : ; : Lyger is in charge of redaction. Ask him. : : : And plus the names are so similar ? that if anyone reads it they'll know : : it's me (all the names, my name, email, and all the initials of profs)
From: security curmudgeon (jericho[at] To: Jelena Cingara ( Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2010 22:20:53 -0500 (CDT) Subject: RE: your mail : Why are you being so cruel.. I am being very fair. You haven't even seen 'cruel'..
From: lyger (lyger[at] To: Jelena Cingara ( Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2010 22:22:25 -0500 (CDT) Subject: Re: FW: your mail On Wed, 6 Oct 2010, Jelena Cingara wrote: : : Lyger is in charge of redaction. Ask him. : : : : : And plus the names are so similar ? that if anyone reads it they'll know : : : it's me (all the names, my name, email, and all the initials of profs) No. Mail me or anyone else, including Jericho, ONE MORE TIME... just ONCE... and I switch it back for good. The chances of anyone you know finding the page once Google has refreshed itself is incredibly small, even smaller than my desire to deal with you for one minute, nay, one SECOND longer. I've had it. Do not test me on this. One more email from you to any address and we switch it back and send all of your future emails straight to delete folder hell.