cji has dark hair, dark eyes, and dark skin. He says he's Scottish. Right.

[10-23 16:30] jericho: [17:23] cji: and irish, scottish, german, french, english =) 
<-  hush up you meatball eating drunk mick with bad teeth and love for schnizel

[10-23 16:31] cji: NICE

[10-23 16:32] cji: what about the french part? =)

[10-23 16:32] jericho: figured you were already waving a white flag and running from me

[10-23 16:46] cji: wow an alias AND a motd change =P jerk

[10-23 16:47] jericho: cat /etc/motd

[10-23 16:47] jericho: no idea what you mean

[10-23 16:47] jericho: and im only guilty of 50% of the shenanigans!

[10-23 16:48] cji:

             ._-'-_ .
        . '  /_-_-_\   ` .
     .'     |-_-_-_-|      `.
    (       `.-_-_-.'        )
    !`.                    .'!
      ! ` .            . ' !
        ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !  !
          / /       \ \
        _-| \___ ___/ /-_
       (_ )__\_)\(_/__( _)      Will mow lawns for 0-day.
           ))))\X\ ((((
             \/ \/

[10-23 16:49] jericho: that fine ascii does not appear in motd homez

[10-23 16:49] cji: wtf

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