From: steven burrell (
Date: Sat, 29 Mar 2008 11:47:24 +0000
Subject: MMPORG?
Hi Jericho/Attrition Staff.
I'm writing to you lot to ask for your advice. I play a MMPORG know as RuneScape. Maybe some of your staff have heard of it..?
I am writing to ask for fre stuff on it.
From: security curmudgeon (
To: steven burrell (
Date: Sat, 29 Mar 2008 18:36:18 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Re: MMPORG?
: Hi Jericho/Attrition Staff.
: I'm writing to you lot to ask for your advice. I play a MMPORG know as
: RuneScape. Maybe some of your staff have heard of it..?
: I am writing to ask for fre stuff on it.
MMPORG?! We don't play those silly time-wasting online games.
If you played a character of the Horde faction on Black Dragonflight in
World of Warcraft, I could spare a few gold.
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