Nepen (05/15/2007 6:12:39 PM): I need a manager
Nepen (05/15/2007 6:12:54 PM): For a 20% cut of that $8,000 net I want to make each month
Lyger (05/15/2007 6:14:10 PM): for?
Nepen (05/15/2007 6:14:20 PM): to find me shit to do and tell me to do it
Lyger (05/15/2007 6:14:37 PM): go bake me a pot pie
Nepen (05/15/2007 6:14:43 PM): for how much?
Lyger (05/15/2007 6:14:51 PM): a buck
Nepen (05/15/2007 6:14:52 PM): you'll get 20% of whatever you pay me for that one
Nepen (05/15/2007 6:15:08 PM): make a pot pie for $0.80? I can't even buy the ingredients for that price
Lyger (05/15/2007 6:15:14 PM): ...
Nepen (05/15/2007 6:15:22 PM): probably wouldn't cover the electricity costs either
Lyger (05/15/2007 6:15:25 PM): they're 59 cents at the store!
Nepen (05/15/2007 6:15:35 PM): oh I thought you wanted a REAL one
Nepen (05/15/2007 6:15:38 PM): <--cooks real food
Lyger (05/15/2007 6:15:45 PM): I'M A SINGLE GUY ASS
Nepen (05/15/2007 6:15:53 PM): ASKING A WOMAN TO COOK FOOD FOR YOU
Nepen (05/15/2007 6:15:58 PM): ONE WHO ACTUALLY DOES COOK
Lyger (05/15/2007 6:16:02 PM): A 59 CENT POT PIE
Nepen (05/15/2007 6:16:16 PM): yeah, one that tastes like ass
Lyger (05/15/2007 6:16:26 PM): i'd be eating it, not you
Nepen (05/15/2007 6:16:31 PM): and probably has little bits you have to scoop out of it. that's
why I don't eat them
Lyger (05/15/2007 6:16:35 PM): and how do you know what ass tastes like?
Nepen (05/15/2007 6:16:44 PM): You KNOW I'm flexible!
Nepen (05/15/2007 6:16:54 PM): Oh god please don't staffpostal that
Nepen (05/15/2007 6:16:59 PM): I should be more careful
Lyger (05/15/2007 6:16:59 PM): TOO LATE
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