From: mathew . tommy (
Date: Sat, 02 Aug 2003 21:52:01 -0400

Hi, I just happened to have come accross your drawings and cartoons on Saddam etc. 
Look, I know you are angry with them, but it gives you no right to offend the entire 
Middle-East. I am an Arab and I got most offended by them. You should be very careful, 
because by those cartoons, you are just going to make more and more Bin Ladens, and they 
will hit again. We are very smart and intelligent people, ever since 1800 B.C. Just look 
at the Egyptians, SYrians and Phoenicians. Look at the ancient city of Babylon in Iraq 
too. We are sooo clever it aint funny. So if you keep up with that work you call 
"patriotic", well you don't know what you're in for. You are actually putting your own 
people in danger! So Beware you white-ass yankee.


From: Cancer Omega (
To: mathew . tommy (
Cc:, Heathens (
Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2003 04:55:07 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: your mail

On Sat, 2 Aug 2003, mathew . tommy wrote:

> Hi, I just happened to have come accross your drawings and cartoons on
> Saddam etc. Look, I know you are angry with them, but it gives you no
> right to offend the entire Middle-East.

Why not?  The entire Middle-East makes no bones about offending US.  But
we're supposed to pussy-foot around their fragile little baby feelings?

Too fucking bad, chimp.

> You should be very careful, because by those cartoons, you are just
> going to make more and more Bin Ladens, and they will hit again.

Terrorists of the world, RISE UP!  (So I may more easily gun you down.)

> We are very smart and intelligent people, ever since 1800 B.C.

Yes, and then you pissed it all away with your petty little turf wars.

I think T.E. Lawrence said it best: "So long as the Arabs fight tribe
against tribe, so long will they be a little people, a silly people,
greedy, barbarous, and cruel, as you are."

Face it, if it wasn't for the oil under your feet, your "nations" would be
nothing more than so many camel tents.  In short, you jackasses would be
NOWHERE without the U.S.  But since you're willing to cut your nose off to
spite your face, have at it.  It'll be fun to watch.

> Just look at the Egyptians, SYrians and Phoenicians. Look at the
> ancient city of Babylon in Iraq too. We are sooo clever it aint funny.

So clever that they've spent the last year wailing about the plight of the
Palestinians and yet refusing to do anything to help them apart from
funnel arms and explosives to them so they can get their dumb asses
killed.  Oh yeah, that's brilliant 'strategery' there.

Oh yeah, you blokes are clever.  Sooooo clever that you blather on about
"Israeli occupation," yet obviously can't read a bloody map like this.

> So if you keep up with that work you call "patriotic", well you don't
> know what you're in for.

I know damned well what I'm in for.  And I know that any terrorist punk
who dares threaten me or mine can kiss my American ass.

> You are actually putting your own people in danger! So Beware you
> white-ass yankee.

Kiss my Irish Republican ass, sand jockey.


From: security curmudgeon (
To: mathew . tommy (
Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2003 22:43:20 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: your mail

: Hi, I just happened to have come accross your drawings and cartoons on
: Saddam etc. Look, I know you are angry with them, but it gives you no

You clearly know nothing. You only seem to know assumptions.

I have images up that cover every possible topic. They insult every race
nationality and religion out there. That doesn't mean I am "angry" with
any of them.

: right to offend the entire Middle-East. I am an Arab and I got most

actually yes it does. Where I live, we have this neat thing called "free
speech", and I have the right to offend anyone I want.

: they will hit again. We are very smart and intelligent people, ever

Obviously not, if you make such ridiculous assumptions..

: aint funny. So if you keep up with that work you call "patriotic",

Notice the insulting images of my country? The entire directory dedicated
to George Bush? Of course not, you are a fucking moron and just out to
start some bullshit e-mail jihad.

: own people in danger! So Beware you white-ass yankee.

Ahh, show how clever and nice you are by resorting to this insult, even
though you don't know if I am black, white or anything else.

Really, you are a stand up guy and it speaks volumes about Arabs.

From: mathew . tommy (
Date: Sun, 03 Aug 2003 15:39:00 -0400

Well, fine be that way, for your info, I'm not muslim, however I am an arab. 
I'm no terrorist, I believe what Bin Laden did was entirelly wrong and disgusting. 
I don't believe in people getting killed by another person, it's wrong. I did 
mourn with you people, but all people on earth have to understand, nobody is the 
enenmy. The real enemy is hate. Now, Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda did not bomb New-York 
for world domination. They did it for another reason, just remember I'm not offending 
but I'm just telling you why they did it because I have heard it from many Shi'ite 
Muslims in Syria and Lebanon. In the Muslim religion they believe if you kill in the 
name of God, and you are killing something, believed to be evil, then it's okay. I'm 
not saying I agree. They bombed you because of all the IMMORAL things happening in your 
country. Like pornography, monogamy, pre-marital sex etc. But yes, what Al-Qaeda did 
was immoral too, and I agree, I fight against them, infact, many of us Christian-Arabs 
fight against them too. As far as everything many of us are with you all, but we still 
all have to learn, nobody is an enemyexcept for the hate. Now I can understand you are 
deeply angry after 9/11, but making those pics wont help anything, it is not patriotic, 
it's just offending people who had nothing to do with those attacks. All I'm saying is 
to keep the tollerance and anti-hate, please.

Israel belonged to the Palestinians, but the damn Jews after World War II kicked them 
out of their land. So the Jews are the real terrorists.

From: security curmudgeon (
To: mathew . tommy (
Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2003 22:48:03 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: your mail

: Well, fine be that way, for your info, I'm not muslim, however I am an

Be what way?

Are you, the person who bragged about being so clever, responding to me
over the mail Cancer Omega sent you?

Really clever.

: I agree. They bombed you because of all the IMMORAL things happening
: in your country. Like pornography, monogamy, pre-marital sex etc. But

Err, are you sure you know what "monogamy" is?

Monogamy \Mo*nog"a*my\, n. [L. monogamia, Gr. ?: cf. F.
   1. Single marriage; marriage with but one person, husband or
      wife, at the same time; -- opposed to {polygamy}. Also,
      one marriage only during life; -- opposed to

Last I checked, that wasn't immoral...

: to learn, nobody is an enemy except for the hate. Now I can understand
: you are deeply angry after 9/11, but making those pics wont help

Are you so incredibly stupid as to think we made any of those pictures,
let alone ALL of them?

: nothing to do with those attacks. All I'm saying is to keep the
: tollerance and anti-hate, please.

You called me a "white ass yankee" last mail I believe? Is that keeping
"tollerance and anti-hate"?

: Israel belonged to the Palestinians, but the damn Jews after World War
: II kicked them out of their land. So the Jews are the real terrorists.

Is this more of your "tollerance and anti-hate", calling them "damn Jews"
and "real terrorsists"?

From: Cancer Omega (
To: mathew . tommy (
Cc:, Heathens (
Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2003 23:15:03 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: your mail

On Sun, 3 Aug 2003, mathew . tommy wrote:

> Well, fine be that way

Be WHAT way?  You're the one sending an e-mail out of the clear blue
telling us to not offend anyone, yet stating it in as patently offensive
terms as possible.

Piss up a rope, punk.


From: mathew . tommy (
Date: Mon, 04 Aug 2003 20:45:30 -0400
Subject: Re: your mail

Im not even a Muslim. Not everyone who is arab is not muslim. I don't 
care if you are offending Saddam or Bin Laden or Al-Qaeda. Just stop 
offending my people and culture. This is what's creating war. So Stop It!

From: security curmudgeon (
To: mathew . tommy (
Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2003 20:53:22 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: your mail

: Im not even a Muslim. Not everyone who is arab is not muslim. I don't
: care if you are offending Saddam or Bin Laden or Al-Qaeda. Just stop
: offending my people and culture. This is what's creating war. So Stop
: It!

Listen you ignorant camel fucker. Do NOT even bother to mail your drivel
to us if you aren't going to read my mail.

I explained that I don't care WHO you are, what race, what religion, or
anything else. The image gallery insults EVERYONE.

If you can't not understand that, fuck a scud and quit mailing us.

From: mathew . tommy (
Date: Sun, 03 Aug 2003 15:34:37 -0400
Subject: Re: your mail

It's called intollerance an offensiveness. I must admit I did laugh at a few 
because they were funny, but some of them offended me soo much. Do you know 
how rude it is to slide the middle-east down someone's bum, or say that middle-eastern 
women are ugly and hairy? Im middle-eastern women were ugly and hairy, then why do you 
guys like Shakira and Salma Hayek? They are both Lebanese and are they hairy or ugly? 
No. This offends us arabs. And thats what drives us to kill you. So when the next attacks 
come don't sit down crying and asking: "Why Do Arabs Hate Us?!"

You have a chance to stop this crap! By the way?! Have you ever been to mid-east to know 
that its only dessert, camels and terrorists or are those stereotypes just anti-peace 

From: security curmudgeon (
To: mathew . tommy (
Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2003 22:56:18 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: your mail (fwd)

: It's called intollerance an offensiveness. I must admit I did laugh at
: a few because they were funny, but some of them offended me soo much.
: Do you know how rude it is to slide the middle-east down someone's
: bum, or say that middle-eastern women are ugly and hairy? Im
: middle-eastern women were ugly and hairy, then why do you guys like
: Shakira and Salma Hayek? They are both Lebanese and are they hairy or

Hi ignorant hypocrite!

Figured I would clue you in on something..

Q: When and where was Salma born?
A: Salma (not Selma, as some people misspell) Hayek was born on September
2, 1968, in Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, Mexico.

Now, last I checked, Mexico wasn't in the middle-east. But hey, you are

She's a child prodigy who wrote her first song at age eight, a
blond-locked Colombian who speaks three languages and loves only in

So now Colombia is in the middle-east too?

: You have a chance to stop this crap! By the way?! Have you ever been
: to mid-east to know that its only dessert, camels and terrorists or
: are those stereotypes just anti-peace statements?!?!

It's all camel fuckers and trollers like yourself. Why do I get the
feeling you are a 15 year old white gangster wannabe in his parent's
basement in Boise, Idaho?

From: mathew . tommy (
Date: Mon, 04 Aug 2003 23:17:35 -0400
Subject: Re: Shakira and Salma



6/12- Shakira, who is preparing for her first concert in the Middle East 
later this summer, Thursday began a three-day visit to Lebanon. Shakira, 
who was born in Columbia to a Lebanese father and started singing at age 13, said 
she was "proud to be Lebanese." She said as a proof of her origin, she's been 
belly-dancing since she was 4 years old. "Nobody ever told me how to do it. It's 
definitely the DNA in my blood," she said.

Her visit came amid reports that she was preparing for holding concerts in Egypt, 
Tunisia and Lebanon next September, her first tour in the Middle East.

Shakira: In Arabic Means: "Woman full of Grace" Her Last Name is Mebarak.

Salma Hayek:

Born on September 2, 1966, in the oil boomtown of Coatzacoalcos, Mexico, Hayek has 
freely admitted that she and her brother Sami were spoiled rotten by her Lebanese 
businessman father and her Mexican-born opera-singing mother. How spoiled? As a child, 
Salma cajoled her father into buying her a series of pet tigers. She kept her favorite, 
Rambo, in the house until he died in an accident she remains reluctant to discuss.

By the way: Hayek? Spanish or Arabic? Hmmmmm

Both of their fathers was born in Zahleeh, Lebanon.

If Shakira isnt Arab then why does she belly-dance so good? Its not Latin, or American 
and certainly not IRISH. So I was right. So whut now?! U gonna call Shakira and Salma 
camel-fuckers? Do u see any hair on their bodies aside from head and arms?! Thought so!

From: security curmudgeon (
To: mathew . tommy (
Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2003 23:24:17 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Shakira and Salma

: 6/12- Shakira, who is preparing for her first concert in the Middle
: East later this summer, Thursday began a three-day visit to Lebanon.
: Shakira, who was born in Columbia to a Lebanese father and started
: singing at age 13, said she was "proud to be Lebanese." She said as a
: proof of her origin, she's been belly-dancing since she was 4 years
: old. "Nobody ever told me how to do it. It's definitely the DNA in my
: blood," she said.

BORN in Colombia. She can say she's chinese, doesn't change the fact she
is Colombian.

: Her visit came amid reports that she was preparing for holding
: concerts in Egypt, Tunisia and Lebanon next September, her first tour
: in the Middle East.

Yeah so proud.. she visits how long after she's born?

: Born on September 2, 1966, in the oil boomtown of Coatzacoalcos,
: Mexico, Hayek has freely admitted that she and her brother Sami were
: spoiled rotten by her Lebanese businessman father and her Mexican-born
: opera-singing mother. How spoiled? As a child, Salma cajoled her
: father into buying her a series of pet tigers. She kept her favorite,
: Rambo, in the house until he died in an accident she remains reluctant
: to discuss.

Once again, she was born in Mexico. If you are trying to argue she is
Lebanese because her father descends from there, look at her mother..
Mexican. Guess what, that makes her Mexican by your logic.

: If Shakira isnt Arab then why does she belly-dance so good? Its not

She was born in Colombia. Her ability to dance is a credit to her teacher,
not her father.

: now?! U gonna call Shakira and Salma camel-fuckers? Do u see any hair
: on their bodies aside from head and arms?! Thought so!

Do you see either born in Lebanon or following standard Lebanese

Once again, give up. You are ignoring simple fucking logic and keep
ignoring the fact that you were proven wrong by everyone who responded to
you. You are a hatefilled ass tyrant that is only out to pick a fight
because of some stupid notion that your country is unfairly treated on an
image gallery that mocks EVERY RACE AND RELIGION.

In short, shut the fuck up, put the cock back in your mouth, fuck off.

From: mathew . tommy (
Date: Mon, 04 Aug 2003 23:31:30 -0400
Subject: Re: Shakira and Salma

look im done with this bull shit. quit emailing each other now! im done! u 
americans deserve more attacks for you all. this is why god is angry with you. 
this is why he cursed you on 9/11. it wasnt a message from al-qaeda or mecca or 
medina or mohammed. it was god telling you to stop your goddamn pornography and 
constant freedom. follow the god-forsaken 10 commandments!!!

you are a pig! a dog! a satanic shit that needs hits from a muslim. at least us 
people no how to live with proper morals and culture and religion, so what if we 
don't have much freedom, our rules keep us out of sickness and thats why we dont 
have much aids in our society. we were raised with proper morals and we are tollerant. 
but people who are intollerant, like you and your dogs, will het smashed! fuck you! 
i hope al-qaeda bombs you again, and i hope the titanic of airplanes will hit you!

fuck off and dont email me again, if i was rich and famous i would sew your ass 
$500,000,000, same thing with bill maher.

go to hell

From: security curmudgeon (
To: mathew . tommy (
Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2003 23:37:20 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Shakira and Salma

: look im done with this bull shit. quit emailing each other now! im
: done! u americans deserve more attacks for you all. this is why god is
: angry with you. this is why he cursed you on 9/11. it wasnt a message
: from al-qaeda or mecca or medina or mohammed. it was god telling you
: to stop your goddamn pornography and constant freedom. follow the
: god-forsaken 10 commandments!!!

constant freedom is bad?

: religion, so what if we don't have much freedom, our rules keep us out
: of sickness and thats why we dont have much aids in our society. we

nah, you guys just kill each other instead..

: were raised with proper morals and we are tollerant. but people who

"tollerant"? like all your mail shows? where you condemn jews, white
people and more? does the word "hypocrisy" exist in your country?

: are intollerant, like you and your dogs, will het smashed! fuck you! i
: hope al-qaeda bombs you again, and i hope the titanic of airplanes
: will hit you!

is this the "tollerant" nature you preach of?

: fuck off and dont email me again, if i was rich and famous i would sew
: your ass $500,000,000, same thing with bill maher.

oh great, another arm chair lawyer and insipid dickless legal threats.

even better, you mail us your drivel, get slammed and proven an idiot,
then cry like a little bitch "dont email me again".

: go to hell

why would i want to visit your country?

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