From: anonymous learner (
Date: Sat, 08 Jul 2006 01:08:31 -0500
Subject: please help me with hacking
hi im chad and im from 16 years old and i want to learn to hack.i have been
looking for about a year to find someone that knows about hacking.i finally found you on
an anonymous website.i have been trying to learn python, but things aren't going to well.
if you could give me tips or websites about virus making or anything you specialize in that
would be not like other people looking for a fast way in.i will take time to learn
anything and will devote any and all time for this.
thank you and i will really appreciate your help.
From: security curmudgeon (
To: anonymous learner (
Date: Sun, 9 Jul 2006 15:56:15 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: please help me with hacking
: hi im chad and im from 16 years old and i want to learn to
: hack.i have been looking for about a year to find someone that knows
: about hacking.
in one year, you couldn't find anyone that knows about hacking?
: trying to learn python, but things aren't going to well.if you could
: give me tips or websites about virus making or anything you specialize
is giving you problems finding information on this topic?
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