From: avisshearouse (
Date: Sat, 8 Jul 2006 18:17:43 -0400
Subject: Comcast

I just recently subscribed to DSL, T.V. and phone services.
I am not sure I have done the right thing. MY internet has been connected for 
over a week and I still can't send or receive emails. Have had a few problems 
with my phone. Could you shed some light on anything about this Company>
My telephone no. is ###.4##.23##. If you can call me I would be happy to call 
you back.

Thank you so much.

From: lyger (
To: avisshearouse (
Date: Sat, 8 Jul 2006 22:41:02 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Comcast

On Sat, 8 Jul 2006, avisshearouse wrote:

": " Hello,
": " I just recently subscribed to DSL, T.V. and phone services.
": " I am not sure I have done the right thing. MY internet has been connected 
": " for over a week and I still can't send or receive emails. Have had a few 
": " problems with my phone. Could you shed some light on anything about this Company>
": " My telephone no. is ###.4##.23#. If you can call me I would be happy to call 
": " you back.

": " Thank you so much.
": " Avis

Hello Avis,

Thank you for your email.  We have researched your case and are able to
determine that your internet access is indeed down.  For this reason, you
will not be able to receive or send any emails with your account.  Attempts to reach you at the number
above have also been futile, mainly because it appears to be hosted by
Comcast.  Please email us or call us for additional questions and/or
service issues.

Thank you,

Leon Y. Gerhard

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