From: Iller (
Resent-To: (
Date: Sun, 7 Sep 2003 17:56:09 -0700
Subject: Dubious Suckyness

"gallery: CLOSED due to bandwidth abuse" doesn't tell us shit.
If there was something that any of us were doing to "abuse" it(whatever
the hell that means since it had already been blocked-off from
direct-image-theft) besides just using it like any other old webpage,
you could have put up a Warning first or some kind of explanation on
how to avoid "abusing" it.


From: security curmudgeon (
To: Iller (
Cc: Heathens (
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2003 16:48:28 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Dubious Suckyness

: "gallery: CLOSED due to bandwidth abuse" doesn't tell us shit. If
: there was something that any of us were doing to "abuse" it(whatever
: the hell that means since it had already been blocked-off from
: direct-image-theft) besides just using it like any other old webpage,
: you could have put up a Warning first or some kind of explanation on
: how to avoid "abusing" it.

don't tell you that shit?

ok genius, explain this. before i stopped inline linking, we were pushing
out around 10 gigs a day of traffic.

when i had it set so that inline links would load the image-theft .gif
(which is only 4k instead of the average 70k image):

-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         3945 Jul  6 00:41 visit_attrition-dont_hork_our_bandwidth.gif

we were pushing out around 5 - 6 gigs a day.

when i removed the gallery completely, we don't even come close to *1* gig
a day.

now, how exactly is closing the gallery due to bandwidth abuse "shit"? we
were essentially doing over 5 gigs a day due to people inline linking our
images instead of providing a traditional "a href" type link. even when
that was stopped, the heavy links and constant loading of the 4k image
were still causing between 1 and 5 gigs worth of traffic, mostly because
ignorant ass heads would post blindly and not even realize the image
didn't work.

so once again.. how is that "shit"?

: It was Awesome! PLEASE BRING IT BACK!

tell the ignorant fucksticks that liked our gallery so much to swamp
the bandwidth to donate a buck or two.

From: Iller (
To: security curmudgeon (
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2003 17:25:15 -0700
Subject: Re: Dubious Suckyness

----- Original Message -----
From: "security curmudgeon" (
To: "Iller" (
Cc: "Heathens" (
Sent: Monday, September 08, 2003 1:48 PM
Subject: Re: Dubious Suckyness

> ok genius, explain this. before i stopped inline linking, we were pushing
> out around 10 gigs a day of traffic.
> we were pushing out around 5 - 6 gigs a day.
> when i removed the gallery completely, we don't even come close to *1* gig
> a day.

Excellent, this does tell me something. Or rather it confirms the obvious being
that the gallery was the most popular and useful part of your site.  Yes inline
Linking is a load of Bullshit and should never be allowed, but now we can't
even access the images and host them ourselves.  It's your resources, not ours,
but are you going to hold a generalized hatred over us just because we came to
rely on them and appreciated them enough to spread the word and make them
more popular?   Isn't that the natural order of things?  ...even if it's blind at times

> tell the ignorant fucksticks that liked our gallery so much to swamp
> the bandwidth to donate a buck or two.

I was considering something more along the lines of "If you want to
use these images, Upload them to your OWN webhost and link to that"
to give fair warning But it appears to be too late anyway.  Pardon my
interloping, it's your badwidth, you'll be as chintzy or generous as you
wish with it despite what I think.  It just struck me as a shame.

From: security curmudgeon (
To: Iller (
Cc: Sick Little Monkeys (
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2003 20:40:17 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Dubious Suckyness

:  Excellent, this does tell me something. Or rather it confirms the
: obvious being that the gallery was the most popular and useful part of
: your site.  Yes inline Linking is a load of Bullshit and should never
: be allowed, but now we can't even access the images and host them
: ourselves.  It's your resources, not ours, but are you going to hold a
: generalized hatred over us just because we came to rely on them and
: appreciated them enough to spread the word and make them more popular?
: Isn't that the natural order of things?  ...even if it's blind at
: times

Flawed logic. Just because it's the most bandwidth doesnt mean it is the
most popular necessarily. And if you really think it was the most useful,
then you are the scum making the internet such a bad place. I mean that.

And yes, i will hold it against the net. The gallery does *nothing* for me
or the site. It was never designed to be big or be used in that manner. If
people *rely* on them, whats so bad about asking for 1 dollar a year from
them? If they *rely* on them, why can't they help me out a bit? I put them
up for one organized collection as a side thought.

: I was considering something more along the lines of "If you want to
: use these images, Upload them to your OWN webhost and link to that" to
: give fair warning But it appears to be too late anyway.  Pardon my
: interloping, it's your badwidth, you'll be as chintzy or generous as
: you wish with it despite what I think.  It just struck me as a shame.

And when I stopped inline linking to the images, shouldnt that have been
the message "host them yourself"? Did it help? No. Hell, do you think even
3% of the people read my messages on the main gallery page?

  As of Mar 2003, we will no longer allow inline linking to our images.
  Due to heavy linking it has thoroughly killed our bandwidth and we
  simply can not afford it any longer. In short,link TO our images (a
  href), do not include them IN your page (img src).

Even by this point I was still willing to give up bandwidth for people to
browse them normally. Instead of doing standard "a href" links, they kept
doing "img src" links. And these fucktards would do it for an entire sub
gallery, putting up dozens of images at a time. These retards are a plague
to the boards they post on and to sites like this.

I don't see how you could possibly call me chintzy when I hosted them for
so long and capped the bandwidth we're hosted on. When it got so bad as to
keep our connection pegged 24/7, i *had* to do something about it. How in
the fuck can you call that chintzy? I call everyone who used or "relied"
on the gallery chintzy for not kicking in one buck a year. Hell, thats
less than a 20 oz coke, is that a lot for them to give up for a YEAR?

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