From: Don Binninger (
Date: Fri, 26 May 2006 09:04:04 -0500
Subject: need some help

Hey I saw this post and was interested too

here is one site I need help with I need a
program that will change the amout of chips. if you know what
cheat-o-matic dose then you get the idea let me know


From: lyger (
To: Don Binninger (
Date: Fri, 26 May 2006 15:33:18 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: need some help

On Fri, 26 May 2006, Don Binninger wrote:

": " Hey I saw this post and was interested too
": "
": " here is one site I need help with I need a
": " program
": " that will change the amout of chips.if you know what
": " cheat-o-matic dose then you get the idealet me know
": "
": " Don

Screw that.  I have 65,000 in free play chips.  If you need help, I'll
sell them to you for a penny on the dollar.  Deal?  Or no deal?

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