Date: Sat, 9 Apr 2005 01:28:46 EDT
Subject: A.I. what loser reviews you assholes write

what loser reviews you assholes write
get a life, 
get a real job,
if you were expecting E.T., go suck on your gramma's dried up breast.
but don't complain to the rest of us if you don't know what body part your  
underwear goes on
sheese, what a loser!

From: security curmudgeon (
Cc: Czarina (
Date: Sat, 9 Apr 2005 01:39:31 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: A.I. what loser reviews you assholes write

: what loser reviews you assholes write
: get a life, 
: get a real job,
: if you were expecting E.T., go suck on your gramma's dried up breast.
: but don't complain to the rest of us if you don't know what body part your  
: underwear goes on
: sheese, what a loser!

So after reading our "loser" review, you being the supreme winner of all 
things intelligent decide to mail me, instead of Czarina, when the movie 
review clearly states that she wrote it?

I think this is where I am supposed to refrain from AI or AOL jokes. 

Ass hat.

Date: Sat, 9 Apr 2005 01:43:05 EDT
Subject: Fwd: A.I. what loser reviews you assholes write

Granted I didn't expect for anyone to take my comments personally, but in a  
way I am glad they did. Its a crazy world out there. Thanks for your  reply.

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