From: lisa steele ( To: Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2005 08:23:41 -0800 (PST) Subject: Re: WoW I guess your site just pops up because as I briefly went past it I was searching for some thing that was , lets say alittle diffrent then what it seems your about. But it could be involved too as a certian view for some one who dosent have hope(for a good reason) I emailed you some thing under that asumption. I also tie to emai you some thing from a nother emailaccount that was hacked. I also wonder do you really under stand whats going on with lets say some one like my self for instance? If you get what I mean. If you dont I guess you dont. But I will continue as if you do: Im on alibary system my time is up so I will sign on agin just to like rap with you. : I dont think you get the big picture about the V's (continued*) See powerr is only as structered as how you use it, it is only as lasting as how you take care of it. If you save it and have an ever lasting life at it and spend little then it could depending on the system last a long, long time. BUt what would you give up in such a ridgid regime as such,; would you miss out on things, would you have to keep your self in the dark about things, what would bring you joy? I wonder. Now what if this power as I call it made dependent on it because it was so great and vast the masses and the multitudes , you wake up and all theses people made jobs for them selves supported their familes in and about evey living thing now depended on each other they would pay you, but while you took a rest this is what they did. How do you decide on life and death everlasting between these people, living thing creatures, atmopheres, weather ect, Each one has a story and a reason why they would kill the great and everlasting if they could but because it is that its not that easy. WOW as I said! But back to my first paragraph How I first came by your site I wonder first are you Black? Are you of African desent? If not I wonder are you possed by African spirts then? If the answer to any of the above Three questions is yes then get back let me know and I will let you know something technachial in conputers since thats what you desire most. If no then YO MOTHER FUCKER BE PREPARED FOR THE WAR IM GOING TO RAGE ON YOUR ASS FOR THE DISSRESPECT BUDDY. Think about it? Call me LING too LISA Steele is a front becaue Im that Bold Baby!
From: security curmudgeon ( To: lisa steele ( Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2005 02:05:46 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: WoW : But back to my first paragraph How I first came by your site I wonder : first are you Black? Are you of African desent? If not I wonder are you : possed by African spirts then? If the answer to any of the above Three : questions is yes then get back let me know and I will let you know : something technachial in conputers since thats what you desire most. : If no then YO MOTHER FUCKER BE PREPARED FOR THE WAR IM GOING TO RAGE ON : YOUR ASS FOR THE DISSRESPECT BUDDY. Think about it? I have a big cock and like watermelon. That black enough for you? If not, rage on!
From: lisa steele To: security curmudgeon ( Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2005 08:49:49 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: WoW Well acttually how I ran by you was that I was looking for some infor mation on world hunger in Africa and I got your site as some type of block. I thought that you might be a more middle classs person in an area that had this starvation and AIDS problem that had spent his money to like block people in favor of the protection of these children or you were white with a big wooden AFRICAN stick from your ass to your brain with a hard VOODO spell on you writing for the dead? Wateer mellons I guess you dont get much do you. Get a reduction . I get back.