From: inception misosa (
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 2004 03:20:02 +0000
Subject: Please help me

From what most seem to think on your website is that you have some "skill" 
in "hacking", where any educated person would know "hacking" is a media 
generated name.   The real term is cracking, back to subject.   My problem 
has to do with networking, which is closely intertwined with cracking, I 
need some help accessing my computer from another.   I know nothing when it 
comes to telnet, so if you do know how, can you please write a friendly 


The only reason I ask is so I can watch some video off my computer, since I 
am up at school for hours afterwards.   I have looked, but all the tutorials 
I have found were made by idiots, using the most incoherent statements and 
saying things that you would expect from toddler.

From: security curmudgeon (
To: inception misosa (
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2004 14:23:47 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Please help me

: From what most seem to think on your website is that you have some
: "skill"  in "hacking", where any educated person would know "hacking" is
: a media generated name.  The real term is cracking, back to subject.
: My problem has to do with networking, which is closely intertwined with
: cracking, I need some help accessing my computer from another.  I know
: nothing when it comes to telnet, so if you do know how, can you please
: write a friendly tutorial.

This is terribly amusing and quite ironic. You try to correct me on the
use of hacker vs cracker, then completely screw it up in your own mail
while begging a complete stranger for computer 101 help.

In reality, any 'educated' person would know that "hacking" is NOT a media
generated name, at all, in any way. The term existed long before the media
started using it in any capacity. You should have tried to lecture me
about educated people knowing that the word hacking is a media *perverted*
name, which is dead on accurate.

Even if you buy in to the whole hacking vs cracking debate, it's
pointless. Real hackers know what they are without labels. Media still
perverts both hacking and cracking and mixes them frequently. So why

Networking is "closely intertwined" with hacking, more so than cracking
i'd wager. The original use and definition of a hacker had nothing to do
with breaking into things or breaking the law. But any educated person
knows this.

Anyway, I imagine all of this is lost on you since you seem to think
yourself some type of authority on the subject, enough to mail me and try
to correct me on the use of either when I was correcting the media's
perversion of such terms before you got your first 'puter from mom and

: The only reason I ask is so I can watch some video off my computer,
: since I am up at school for hours afterwards.  I have looked, but all
: the tutorials I have found were made by idiots, using the most
: incoherent statements and saying things that you would expect from
: toddler.

I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you have Windows? If so, sharing
a folder and videos is fairly easy on 2K or XP. Open Explorer, type in
"c:" for the location, navigate to the folder you want to share. When you
find it (before double clicking into it), right click on it and select
properties. There should be a 'sharing' tab. On XP, you can click "share
this folder", give it a name (like "v1d30z") and that's all.

From another machine, load Explorer, click 'Tools' on the menu up top, and
then 'Map Network Drive'. Put in the IP of the machine with the hot porn
videos you want to access, and the name of the folder you selected in this
format: \\\v1d30z

Now you have a remotely shared folder mapped to your local machine, and
you can navigate it with Explorer like normal. Double click on
"hot-sheep-action.mpg" and it should play just fine.

From: inception misosa (
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 2004 15:29:02 +0000
Subject: Re: Please help me

I did not mean to patronize you, sorry for giving that impression.   I was 
mearly trying set myself apart from those who often refer to you.   I was 
taught that cracker is the only, and real, term for that kind of action.   I 
am not all to aware of the "hacker vs. cracker" thing, but I do apologize 
for everything.   Thank you for your help though, also I you are pretty 


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