In reference to:,39023764,39116620-2,00.htm
Raven is one of the staff who continually fixes the things I break. She's
a fuckload smarter than I am, yet because she has b00bs, she gets jackass e-mail like this.
As a result, I told her i wanted to reply to the 14 year old boy.
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 06:19:55 -0700 (PDT) From: ( To: ( Subject: Oh please. Yo Raven, Do you even take yourself serious? You're like a fucking caricature of every single whiney "cyber feminist" that ever was, squished together into one single shining package of pms induced suckyness. "Oh no don't call me a hacker chick"..oh I won't. A) you hardly even resemble anything remotely female you goth troll. B) you're not a hacker. Your skillset is pathetic and you're just another bland academia reject trying to act the part. You want to talk about skilled females? Rest assured there are plenty of very active female hackers out there. Many of whom are at the cutting edge of exploit development and who don't feel the need to whore themselves to the media every chance they get. You think you're not taken serious because you're sporting a vagina? Please. You're not taken serious because you're a fucking joke. You poser. It's cunts like you who make it hard for people like me to be taken seriously. Not the immature pricks wanting to sneak a peek, or being initially taken aback by the fact that I don't pee standing up. Skill demands respect; ever wonder why you don't get any? Katie (hacker chick)
From: security curmudgeonTo: Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 02:12:10 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: Oh please. (fwd) Raven was AFK laughing at you, figured i'd bite on this fun troll. : From: : Reply-To: : To: : Subject: Oh please. : : Yo Raven, Yo Troll, : Do you even take yourself serious? You're like a fucking caricature of : every single whiney "cyber feminist" that ever was, squished together : into one single shining package of pms induced suckyness. And you sound like every 14 year old boy pretending to be a girl in order to get spoon fed the 0-day logins for systems compromised a few years before you got your first AOL account. : A) you hardly even resemble anything remotely female you goth troll. Ooh jealousy rears its ugly head! : B) you're not a hacker. And you define hacker, don't you? : You want to talk about skilled females? Rest assured there are plenty of : very active female hackers out there. Many of whom are at the cutting : edge of exploit development and who don't feel the need to whore Most of which are at the cutting edge of carpet burn as they suck the cock of some guy they later throw around as "my boyfriend" in order to scrape together a shred of respect. : themselves to the media every chance they get. You think you're not : taken serious because you're sporting a vagina? Please. You're not taken : serious because you're a fucking joke. You poser. Something tells me you are a /. crossover kiddie with this dribble. You almost crossed over into that crap about "real hackers don't make themselves known", the implication so favored by the real posers and kiddies. If you are so fucking 'leet and so much better, why would you feel the need to even reply to Raven? If you are so busy breaking into systems and coding up 0day exploits, why even bother? That insecure over a female getting a little attention? Feel that your leet hax0ring of second rate ISPs and foreign boxes is worth "real" praise? I mean really, do you think you are doing anything original or interesting, that hasn't been done for the better part of two fucking decades? You are walking along the natural curve created between software packages and vulnerabilities, doing the same damn thing thousands have done before you. Finding buffer overflows, format strings and all the other old vulnerabilities really that exciting? Really that ground breaking? If you really had a clue about anything outside AOL and dad's computer, you'd realize that everything you pretend to do can be done with or without media attention. Having some faux air of secrecy and eliteness is only good for IRC bragging rights and lame attempts at fronting in order to get something you couldn't get on your own. While you are breaking into mom and pop ISPs for cheap thrills, other people are doing the same damn thing, but they have access to cooler toys and their work is actually productive. When you break out of your teeny bopper years and start to realize what's out there, you can always take comfort knowing you will never starve. You will always have plenty of your own words to eat. You are so incredibly transparent. : It's cunts like you who make it hard for people like me to be taken : seriously. Not the immature pricks wanting to sneak a peek, or being : initially taken aback by the fact that I don't pee standing up. : : Skill demands respect; ever wonder why you don't get any? Hypocrisy is a fun thing. On one hand, you say that people don't take you seriously because of people like Raven. On the other hand, you say "Skill demands respect; ever wonder why you don't get any?". Earth to Bill or Bob or whatever your real name is: The lack of respect you get can be attributed to no-one but yourself. If you really are a chick and you really do have problems getting respect, it isn't Raven or any other female that appears in the media. As YOU said, skill would get you that respect, right? If you aren't getting respect, it's your virtual tits getting you by since your skills aren't. Anyway, share this with the other boys in your high school "Internet" class. Just do me one favor.. if you bother replying to this, come up with something halfway original.. please?! I mean really, this is the same shit scene whores spewed in the early 90's. : Katie (hacker chick) If you have to tell people you are a 'hacker chick', you sure as fuck aren't one.
From: strange dark fungus ( To: Cc: Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 08:46:54 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: Oh please. (fwd) I'm still trying to figure out why the disrespect of a horde of drooling, idiotic slashdot kids means that you get no respect. I was alone and bored at work yesterday and spent a painful hour reading over their spew. It reminded me of people in the online gaming community bitching about the uber guild because they killed the 9 headed dragon first (rar). I also pondered why being approached for one interview, and accepting, makes you a "media whore." I had an article about me once in a fairly well known publication for a sports thing. The other girls who considered themselves "better" runners were upset. But they were fucking boring to interview, I can blow spit bubbles and they can't, and I wasn't about to turn it down simply to avoid the inevitable backlash of catty little girls who throw out the cunt-word whenever they feel the sting of jealousy. I think I figured out the answers to my questions, after briefly picking my nose and pausing to wipe the offending nostril-smeg on my cootie pajama pants. Two words: Sour grapes! Hacker chick, *snort*. Hold on while I finger myself furiously to her(his?) underground elitness. I think this is one of those girls that buys those shirts that say "underground" for $45 at urban outfitters. I flick my morning eye scuzz in thy general direction! ~spud titles are for people who need titles