From: robert williams (
Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2002 06:26:33 +1100
Subject: hacker me

To excuse I pray my defective English but I am only learning for 5
Hello they are interested in being a hacker perch I wish to deturpare
mine Cyrils that of the friend the lame web page approximately Anime dumb 
preteen its place of the sex godess is really silly and lame and stuf.
you can aiutarli to being a hacker and really to raffreddarsi like you 
Also you can trasmettermi the programs in order to make virus and the 
trojans so as to I can incepparlo the burned ones with governments.
Thanks for all the aid you will give it in future and you will continue the 
recording bond job.
P.S. are one buoa Italian girl seeming with large the breasts.
Goods bye and bonds losing fortune,

From: security curmudgeon (
To: robert williams (
Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2002 14:49:16 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: hacker me

: P.S. are one buoa Italian girl seeming with large the breasts.
: Goods bye and bonds losing fortune,
: Gina

Gina or Robert?

I want pix of your big breasts in return for hackerish stuff!

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