From: Linda Ray ( To: "''" ( Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2002 13:59:14 -0500 Subject: Dr Gott Dear Drilled Gott, My elderly mother has a dry mouth which we went to her primary doctor and ear nose and throat doctor for it but nothing seems to be the answer. Her primary doctor said it was her false teeth not fitting well the e.n. and t doctor said her glands were ok but maybe she breathes though her mouth instead of her nose which he gave her nose drops . but that 's not working either she 83 years young and doesn't take any other medicines but OTC pain reliever for arthritics. Also, I have another question concerning this could new carpet contain formaldehyde and how does it affect you. Thank you Concerning daughter Linda Ray [address removed] .. offering advice on life and all things like it. yes..i see our future clearly now.