From: Misreddin Isgenderov (
Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2002 04:09:43 -0700 (PDT)


Mister Bill Gates! I live in the town Sumqait of the Azerbaijan 
Republic. I am sixteen and I study at the 10 form  of secondary school 
N-8.The reason of my appling to you is the gerat interest of  me to the 
computer. My interest growsday by day. I would like to 
be a good programist as you in future.No, for it there is a little 
aguipments in our republic. As you know our state is young.Heres dayly 
salari is 2 dollar.It^s dfficult for my family to buy computer. Thats why I 
only hope for you help. My hope for you is big. I heard a little about 
you.I hope you^ll understand me.If it^s possible help me.I shall wait 
your answer persistently.

                                      With respect:Misreddin        

From: security curmudgeon (
To: Misreddin Isgenderov (
Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2002 14:58:38 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: your mail

: Mister Bill Gates! I live in the town Sumqait of the Azerbaijan 

Do not call me "Mister", call me MASTER, or "Lord High Ruler" Bill Gates.
If you do not address me how i deserve to be adressed, you will never get
a penny.

: Republic. I am sixteen and I study at the 10 form  of secondary school 
: N-8.The reason of my appling to you is the gerat interest of  me to the 
: computer. My interest growsday by day. I would like to 
: be a good programist as you in future.No, for it there is a little 

I think you are trying to scam me out of my hard earned money. It is clear
to me that you are sending this with a computer! So you must have computer
access already, and therefore don't need one.

: aguipments in our republic. As you know our state is young.Heres dayly 
: salari 
: is 2 dollar.It^s dfficult for my family to buy computer. Thats why I 

2 dollar? I won't pay some of the employees at Microsoft that much!
Ungrateful heathens don't meet my deadlines as is!

: only hope for you help. My hope for you is big. I heard a little about 
: you.I hope you^ll understand me.If it^s possible help me.I shall wait 

A little?! That's it, the Microsoft PR office better get their ass in gear
in Kumquat or wherever you live. It appals me that our influence hasn't
reached into your country. Slackers, all of them!

Master Bill Gates

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