From: Ovid Santoro (
Subject: looking for jon carin
Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2001 13:27:31 -0000

i wonder if you could forward a message to jon carin.

my wife went to high school (Jericho, NY) with his sister jill carin and
she's looking for her.  

i'd like to ask jon if he knows how to reach jill.  my wife's details are:
lori *****, 917-8**-***8  lori@*****.com


From: Cancer Omega (
To: Ovid Santoro (
Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2001 12:19:50 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Re: looking for jon carin

On Tue, 20 Nov 2001, Ovid Santoro wrote: 

: i wonder if you could forward a message to jon carin. 
: my wife went to high school (Jericho, NY) with his sister jill carin and
: she's looking for her. 
: i'd like to ask jon if he knows how to reach jill.  my wife's details
: are:  lori *****, 917-8**-***8  lori@*****.com

I'm sorry, is not a detective agency.  You may wish to
retain one in order to track this person down.


Next reply was lost, but relevant parts quoted in followup.

From: Cancer Omega (
To: Ovid Santoro (
Cc:, lori@*****.com,
Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2001 14:50:43 -0700 (MST)
Subject: RE: looking for jon carin

On Wed, 28 Nov 2001, Ovid Santoro wrote:

: are you joking?
: it's his siter for goodness sake.

No, I'm not kidding.  You think I just sit around all day eating bon-bons
with nothing better to do than provide free people finding services?  Were
you born stupid, or did you acquire that fascinating trait in later life?

Here ->  According to the alarmists out there, you
can find anything on anyone at any time using that tool.  Go use it.

: who are you?  do you know jon carin?

I AM THE GOD OF HELLFIRE...or something like that.  I got this silly
e-mail from you.  It went something like this:

: what's the issue?  i guess you just do fan mail.

The issue is that you could be some dickless stalker looking to harass
some girl you saw across the checkout stand at the local Quickie Mart and
want me to do all the work for you while you hone your bone. 

: may good karma smile on your soul.

I got some Karma right here for you, bitch.  +P


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