From: Kindred Spirit (
Date: Wed, 08 Aug 2001 07:31:37 +0000
Subject: Web security query.

Hello there,
My query concerns web security. I want to hack into a corporate
web page. The offending page has links to downloadable .pdf files of
staff profiles. I would like to edit these files to reveal a few home
truths. Is there a method for doing this, and what would it be. I
understand if you feel this to be an inappropriate request, and wish not
to divulge such information. However, it is in the interests of
misinformation that I ask.

From: /dev/null (
To: Kindred Spirit (
Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 02:13:52 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Re: Web security query.

: My query concerns web security. I want to hack into a corporate
: web page. The offending page has links to downloadable .pdf files of
: staff profiles. I would like to edit these files to reveal a few home
: truths. Is there a method for doing this, and what would it be. I
: understand if you feel this to be an inappropriate request, and wish not
: to divulge such information. However, it is in the interests of
: misinformation that I ask.

I understand your desire.  I want to break into the vault of my bank.
It's really for a completely altruistic reason -- my bank charges me this
absurd monthly fee for my account, and I want everyone to know the truth
about how rotten my bank is.  It is in the interests of fucking with the
bank, so it's okay.

In order to achieve this desire, I think I'm going to go up to random
complete strangers on the street and ask them to give me step-by-step
instructions on how to break into my bank.  You see, I can't be bothered
to learn anything about security systems myself, and I'm -way- too
immature to fucking deal with the problems I have with my bank or go put
my money in a new bank, and growing up and getting on with life just isn't
an option.  So I'm just going to stand around, whine about my bank, and
ask total strangers to write up a how-to list on how to break into banks
for me.  I'll even look for strangers that I know really -hate- it when
complete frothing idiots ask them about breaking into banks.  In fact, to
be extra clever, I'll preface my questions by telling them I'm just asking
about -security-, rather than How To Fuck Up My Bank.  And I'll ask very

It's really a foolproof plan.  I don't see how I could possibly fail.  I
wish you the same luck in your endeavor!


From: /dev/null (
To: Kindred Spirit (
Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 08:35:15 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Re: Web security query.

On Wed, 8 Aug 2001, Kindred Spirit wrote:

: A simple 'no' would have sufficed, but then you're far too clever for
: that. 

A simple 'fuck off and die' would have sufficed too, but hey, what can I
say, I'm an altruist.

: Enjoy you're ivory tower, I'll enjoy my ignorance.

Will do.  The view's great from up here, even if I do have to worry about
coffee stains on the nice ivory floors.

Good luck soliciting complete strangers to assist in committing a federal


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