From: Don Ashley (
Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2001 02:04:02 -0500
Subject: Please remove me

I have asked every other way I know how. I receive 
an unbelievable number of messages from you and your 
clients with the [defaced] information.

Please remove these accounts immediately.

While I appreciate your web site, I have no idea why 
I receive, some days, in excess of 100 emails of this 
type. Please do something about it.

Don Ashley

From: dpashley (
Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2001 02:07:06 -0500

to help make you aware of the problem I'm having with all 
of the [defaced] email, I'm going to change the cool little 
gizmo to simply forward the mail to 
That will make you aware of the magnitude of the problem, 
and hopefully encourage you to do whatever can be done. I 
do appreciate that. At the very least, I believe we will 
have some dialog over this issue.

From: security curmudgeon (
To: Don Ashley (
Cc: Heathens (
Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2001 01:19:45 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Re: Please remove me

: I have asked every other way I know how. I receive an unbelievable
: number of messages from you and your clients with the [defaced]
: information. 
: While I appreciate your web site, I have no idea why I receive, some
: days, in excess of 100 emails of this type. Please do something about
: it. 

It was very clear to us that you wished to receive the information we are
providing you. 

Since you were so kind as to share your information with an email address
that is an alias, not a person .. without our consent, we figured it would
be nice to share information back. People mail "" for
one of two reasons. First, they are reporting a web site defacement. You
did not do that. Second, they wish to receive information about web site
defacements. Hey, that's you.

Since you like to share your unsolicited crap mail with us, we figured we
would be kind and return the favor.

In other words, don't fucking spam us again. I guess your mail did
teach me to pray .. every day I pray that ignorant bitch spammers
like yourself die a gruesome death and lose all ability to function
on the Internet. But hey, I knew I was agnostic for a reason. Your
pathetic hypocritical bitch god didn't answer that prayer either.


From: Don Ashley (
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 00:13:26
Subject: News Release: Prayer Watchman Software

News Release

You are receiving this offer because we 
have been told you are an individual we should 
contact concerning a new program that
trains people to pray. 

From: security curmudgeon (
To: dpashley (
Cc: Heathens (
Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2001 01:20:29 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Re: your mail

: to help make you aware of the problem I'm having with all of the
: [defaced] email, I'm going to change the cool little gizmo to simply
: forward the mail to That will make you aware of the
: magnitude of the problem, and hopefully encourage you to do whatever can
: be done. I do appreciate that. At the very least, I believe we will have
: some dialog over this issue. 

Excellent, we'll just deny all of your mail from reaching our system.

This will cause your forwards to bounce back to you adding to your inbox.
Enjoy dipshit.

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