(originally sent to munge@attrition.org)

On Thu, Oct 12, 2000 at 01:51:28PM -0500, Cullen Powell wrote:

unsubscribe NOW

: To unsubscribe: mail majordomo@attrition.org with 'unsubscribe defaced'
:                 in the BODY of the mail.

From: Small Grey (spunge@attrition.org)
To: Cullen Powell (cullen@midsouth.rr.com)
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2000 13:53:04 -0600
Subject: Re: [defaced] www.bulldogs.org by t3l3c0m


  Relax.  Sit back and let those veins settle back into
that pointy head of yours.  After you cool your jets,
why don't you look at the unsubscribe information that
is supplied in the header of each and every notice sent
on the list.
  Stop being a complete moron!  It's uncool, and nobody
will want to spend time with you if continue to be a big
fucking moron.  Oh, printing in all-caps is very
ineffectual, and only increases your moron quotient around
  Until you figure out the unsubscribe information that
even a total dumb ass like yourself has heretofore failed
to comprehend, let's continue this conversation in good
nature and mutual respect, you clay smacking troglodyte.



This is really a religious pilgrimage for me,
a religious pilgrimage with a lot of buttkicking.
          -- Ben, "Full Throttle"

From: Cancer Omega (comega@attrition.org)
To: Cullen Powell (cullen@midsouth.rr.com)
Cc: Criminals (staff@attrition.org)
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2000 14:16:32 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Unsubscribing for Dummies.

On Thu, Oct 12, 2000 at 01:51:28PM -0500, Cullen Powell wrote:

: unsubscribe NOW

Mr. Powell,

A few points for you to mull over:

1.	Munge is not Majordomo.

2.	I am not Majordomo either, though I can become General Nuisance
	with sufficient provocation.

3.	We do not run a list called "NOW".  Try the National Organization
	for Women.

4.	If you want to unsubscribe from any list hosted here, read
	the instructions at the end of any given message and you'll see:

: To unsubscribe: mail majordomo@attrition.org with 'unsubscribe defaced'
:                 in the BODY of the mail.

5.	If you're simply looking to waste time, go pound sand up your ass
	with a mallet.


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