From: Jody Adams (
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 20:53:14 -0400
Subject: Web war against terrorists
Have any of our fine U.S. hackers gone to work 
on any of the terrorists countries websites.  I 
know China was busy in May beating on us.  Do 
you folks have any info of us beating on the towel 
heads via cyberspace.  Then I guess they'd (Osama 
bums) have to be computer literate for that to be 
a problem for them.....
Just curious...sorry to fill your inbox...
Jody Adams

I'm sure the terrorists run dozens of web sites to promote their activities. In fact, I bet if hackers took them down, they would be devastated and just give up on all the bad things they do. Wow, why didn't others think of this!

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