Going Postal

	From: Jared Budd (jbudd@lks.net)
	To: hacked@attrition.org
	Date: Sun, 24 Dec 2000 09:10:40 -0500
	Hi All;
	Need some help by getting pointed in the right 
	I am not a hacker in the normal way......but I 
	like the power of the ability to hack.....
	My need is to get pointed to someone or a group 
	or a site with chat room so that I might find 
	more information on say the GM vehicle computer 
	chips installed into their cars......or Dodge 
	or Ford stuff......maybe someone already knows 
	how the chips are programmed.....I just have so 
	many questions in this area......any suggestions.....
	Please do not respond to me at the address of 
	this e-mail as I am not on my computer but on my 
	son's.....he will have no idea of what we speak 
	about.....respond to budd@lks.net or to 
	Windy63@yahoo.com ....either would be fine.....
	feel free to pass my e-mail to anyone who you think 
	may be of help in getting me pointed in the 
	right direction.
	Thanks again......


Well, I think nipc@nipc.gov could probably help you out a lot. Before that, I have to wonder why you are pawning off all responsibility on your poor son. Why are you on your son's computer and not yours? While you are busy hacking your car and pondering my questions, let me point you in the direction of my ass.